

by  |  earlier

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we have only been n wa for three weeks, and we are getting our own place in november




  1. No you are not overreacting. The fact that you are getting married and things are getting worse is not good. You should not enter into a marriage with these kind of issues. I would suggest that the two of you go to pre-marital counseling. Actually, all couples should go, whether experiencing problems or not. If your pre-marital relationship is not working then it won't get any better after marriage.

  2. this isn't normal when a man loves you, and wants to be with u.something is wrong and maybe u need to communicate with him and find out what he is feeling.a man will act like this when he doesn't want to be where he's at.

  3. 1st.  It's not easy moving out of your state in addition to living with strangers.  You are not working.  It's your  dad's home and your brothers live there also.  I would think rather then play house maid to all find a job and move out sooner.  

    I would hold off on setting a wedding date as he is not rjjeady for marriage.  I think you should have a little talk

  4. He is not comfortable living with your dad and your brothers and he feels stressful leaving everything behind him. Maybe he wanted to build a happy new life together with you alone.

  5. Yes, it's normal.  For an alcoholic who isn't in love with his fiancee.

  6. Leave.  When he gave up everything to be with you, I think he gained resentment towards you and now feels that it's your fault life isn't how it used to be.  He's changing and showing his true colors, and they're all bad signs.  You need to leave him before you get married.  

  7. It sounds like he isnt really that happy. Maybe you should sit down with him and ask him what you guys can do to make him happy and work things out.

  8. I guess you should clear up this mess first before thinking of getting married. And the only way is to talk to each other... And if you find it hard to talk yourselves out of this one, then I think you had better cancel your marriage plans.

  9. Maybe he's having second thoughts.  It may appear to him that you have no intention of working now and want to be a stay at home wife that he's with you.  In this day and age that's enough to make a man think twice about wanting to marry a woman.  

  10. you gotta talk to him and think things real careful, because if you are having these kinds of problems now, imagine when you get married? and a divroce is waaay worse than just a break up!

  11. He sounds like a loser and you sound like youre wanting him to be your knight in shining armour. Go get a job and get this t**d out of the house.  

  12. he is not happy,

    you are giving more to your family then him,  (i know how it sounds,,,,it is my family, but hey he left and came here for you,  you need to be more open for him,)

    that is why it is said, when two marry cling to eachother, and move away from your families....

    stop picking up after everyone and get a job, you are not any ones maid,,, only your bfs. not really but i hope you understand

    sit with your man and make a plan,,,

    job for you

    move out

    get married

    blah blah

    you need to cling to him,  


  13. Sounds like it is headed down hill.... and fast!  Sit him down, tell him what is on your mind with 100% honesty.  I think the stresses of the move and living with family is taking its toll.  If you love him as much as it sounds like you do, have a nice long talk with him ASAP. Tell him your concerns.

    Good luck!

  14. What do you expect?

    You never really knew each other before.

    Sorry to say but this might be the beginning of the end.

    And please, do not get married if you cannot even have your own place.  Have SOME dignity.

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