
IS THIS REAL? Is this a Ghost?

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I just went into the kitchen to get some chips, and brought them back in a plastic container. i set them on the desk right by the computer, and while i was working on my computer, they flew off into the floor with the bottom facing up. my dog ate them all.

also, when i'm home, my dog goes into the other room and barks pretty much all day long.

any explanations?




  1. Have you tried to find out why your dog was barking all day?  Is there a dog or cat outside he may be responding to?  As for the chips flying off the desk; that sounds interesting.  You should keep a log of when these things happen.  If you truly feel it's paranormal in nature, try holding a simple compass and see if the needle fluctuates.  (Cheaper than an EMF meter).  If it's moving, you probably have a ghost.

  2. Classic leprechaun manifestation, I'm afraid. Dogs are one of the few creatures that can see leprechauns.

  3. It's not a ghost, it's a naughty dog.

  4. One possible explanation could be a ghost.  There could be other explanations... did your dog tip over the bowl or get it off the desk? Could it have been knocked off the desk accidentally by your elbow?  Animals are extremely sensitive to the presence of paranormal activity. They can see in a different visual field, and hear in much higher frequencies than humans can. It's possible that your dog sees/hears someone you can't. Or, it's possible that the dog is barking in the room because he/she can see a person or animal outside, or that there's a sound in the room he/she doesn't like (animals in the walls or ceiling, high-pitched sound in the room, etc.).  Hope this helps.

  5. A lot of things would have to be ruled out before determining if it was a ghost or not. You can't jump jump to the conclusion that it was paranormal without considering other options.

  6. Ghosts don't exist. :)

  7. Can't answer your questions on the information given, but to comment about animals being 'attuned' to psychic things, I'll have to disagree based on my personal one-time experience. A phantasm (non-human) apparition entered my living room and floated through the opposite wall while my dog lay sleeping quietly and I was slathered in goose-bumps. As soon as the entity left, my goose-bumps vanished like turning off a light-switch, and the dog never moved. We could speculate all night about the moving chip bowl--one idea is that the dog was so eager for a treat that he unwittingly used telekinesis. The debate will reveal our level of misunderstanding. These things happen, the 'why' may be years away. Denial is not an answer.

  8. It's a ghost for sure.

  9. There are many things that have to be considered. With the chip container, you will want to examine the area for any possible breezes. The fan on your computer, a window or door, even you or your dog passing by the desk could have caused it to fall. As for your dog barking, seeing as it is nearly all day, I am led more to think that it is a behavior of your dog. Usually when one thinks about an animal barking or staring at something unseen, it is sporadic and not consistent.

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