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i drink about 3-5 12fl ounces avery day and I'm trying to lose weight if its bad plz tell me wats bad about it




  1. yes if you dont excercise at all but if you do once in awhile its okie.  

  2. no

  3. it has lots of sugar

  4. gatorade alone is not very healthy because of all the electrolytes

    but if you are working out or doing some sort of physical activity then gatorade is very good for you.

  5. Well, too much of anything is bad for you, but that's not too much.

    Michael Phelps drinks like 12 bottles a day.

  6. honey too much of anything is bad 4 u

  7. Other than it's full of sugar?  Not much.  You'd be better of switching to water.

  8. nope

  9. yes.. lots of sugar, i really doubt you work out vigorously enough to require all the vitamins, and yellow 5 shrinks your testicles.  

  10. to much of anything can be bad but gatorade is bad because of its sugar content.... at least your not drinking vitamin water that stuff is horrible i seen that c**p on worst drinks list.... you should just drink water you will lose weight faster i believe....

  11. no u *****

  12. its bad for your kidneys if you drink it everyday. switch to water.

  13. yes it should only be used for sports because when u sweat ur body loses salt and gatorade has tons of salt in it and it helps u get more energized and when drinking it every day and that much could give u

    heart burn or high blood pressure if u have high blood pressure i would stop before it leads to something bad drink water

  14. Its got TONS of sugar!

    You should only drink those types of energy drinks after intense exercise  

  15. If you drink a whole bottle of Gatorade you are consuming about 56 grams of sugar -- this is not required in a normal sedentary lifestyle -- and in this situation it could be considered "bad" for you.

  16. Gatorade is DEFINATELY bad for you especially if you are on a diet.

    The company makes is seem like Gatorade is good for everyone - but it's not. That is just a marketing ploy. Gatorade is made to replenish your electrolites after a sports game or a heavy workout.

    It's loaded with salt and also has sugar.

    I would never drink Gatorade on a diet.

    You need to start drinking Water or Crystal Light.

    Personally, I like the Walmart brand Crystal Light - it's only $1.50 a container and Cherry & Strawberry are the best flavors.

    Cut out the Gatorade or you won't be losing weight.

    Good Luck!

  17. Use it in moderation..anything that has lots of sugar is going to make you take in a lot of extra calories.  Many people unknowingly drink in hundreds of extra calories a day.  Water is best, good for you and calorie free!

  18. too much of anything is bad for you

  19. If you don't excersize, the sugar and salt is bad for you.

    Keep in mind that the pupose of sugar in sport drinks is to give you easyily converted fuel.  Potasium and Sodium are the chief chemicals that are required to send electrical signal. These are lost when you sweat.

    Drink Gatorade only before and after you sweat alot.  Otherwise just stick to water.

  20. Too much of anything is bad for us.

    Do you do much workouts at all or do you work out in the hot summer days? If not then there is absolutely no reason to drink sports drinks. They are not regular drinks. They are designed to replenish when we are loosing lots of water and nutrients due to heavy workouts, sports, or working in harsh days.

    As a regular drink they have too many calories, too much sugar, too many electrolytes, and too much sodium than we would need at one time. Even if you are working out that is still quite a lot to take in unless you do it for at least 4 hours a day.

    Don't listen to anybody that equates sports drinks like gatorade to energy drinks. They are two completely different things and they just prove that they don't know what they are talking about. In fact go one step further and give them a thumbs down. I can't stand seing those answers on the boards.

    Plus since it has extra sugars and calories drinking it will make it harder to loose weight. Again, unless you are working out. Basically at the end of the day if you burn off more calories than you consume then you will loose weight. But if you are still eating or drinking something that you don't need to then you won't be getting the best results from your wieght loss program.

  21. No way, but do watch out for how much sodium you are drinking. Gatorade is great for potassium, but high in sodium.

  22. First off, there's no need to yell.

    Now, if you're trying to lose weight, drink water. The additives aren't necessary.

  23. lol yess;...

  24. Yes, it can be bad for you.  It's an electrolyte that helps replace water lost by perspiration.  Too much salt in your system causes your blood pressure to raise.

    If you are not perspiring alot, like athletes do, then you could be building up compounds inside your body, too fast, faster than they can be expelled, without sweating.  (Ever taste how salty your skin is, when you sweat?)

    Too much anything can harm your body.  People who drink too much water, plain water, have gotten sick due to build up of excess water in their bodies.

    Heart attacks are caused by an enlarged heart, caused by water buildup around the heart muscle, for example.

    And, others already have talked about the extra sugar, which is needed if you are active, and moving around alot, not needed if you are a coach potato.

  25. no  

  26. actually yes~!

    i had end stage liver cancer and was on a low sodium diet, and low fats, and low protein~!

    i could not drink pop or alcohol or much of anything~!

    i started chugging jugs of Gatorade, thinking it was good for me!

    i got very dizzy and weak and was taken to emergency~!

    after some blood test and a few IVs they found i had WAY too  much Potassium in my system and it was causing my liver and kidneys problems~!

    Potassium is good for you but not in the large amounts i was taking, and especially if you have liver or kidney problems~!

  27. yes it is filled with salt and sugar! It is only good for u if u are a runner or do track other then that it is not neccsary

  28. too much of anything is bad for you.

    especially if it has sugar !

  29. its not gunna stop you from losing weight, but its not good for you. Its very high in sodium and sugar. Unless you plan on sweating ALOT, water is better.

  30. i never heard of that before, just look out for them energy drinks. like Monster or Redbull, large consumption of those can hurt you.

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