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  1. No. But not to an extent that we will readily notice. Actually the Sun will get "hotter" (for earth, but its surface temps will drop) as it moves off of the main sequence into the red giant branch. But don't lose any sleep over it because that will not happen for a looooooooonnnnngggg time.

    Solar cycles on the other hand are a different matter. That is what I am interested in, and I believe they (the long period cycles included) have an impact on the Earth's climate along with other natual factors such as vulacnism etc. I am also looking into the effects of methane. I do not believe CO2 is the culprit of so-called global warming and there fore do not believe in the AGW theory.

    BTW: one person mentioned that the Sun will supernova. The Sun will not super nova, but it will turn into a red giant and swell beyond the orbit of Venus. (Theres your global warming) After that (after a few more phases) it will end as a white dwarf. Our Sun doesn't have enough mass to super nova.

  2. No!

    blah blah blah if you don't care, I dont care more!

  3. no. its cooler than the latest maximum in 2001, and reached its hottest in recent history in the 1960s.

    we are just entering a new solar cycle.

    the telegraph??? the most right wing paper in england? and an old issue, that little joke has long been de-bunked.

    "Christopher Walter Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley (born 14 February 1952) is a retired British international business consultant, policy advisor, writer, and inventor. He served as an advisor to Margaret Thatcher and has attracted controversy for his public opposition to the mainstream scientific consensus on global warming and climate change.

    Gavin Schmidt has criticised Monckton's analysis of climate sensitivity as "sleight-of-hand to fool the unwary" [1]. Dr. Stephan Harrison criticises Moncktons' articles as "full of errors, misuse of data and cherry-picked examples" [2]."

    actually that last link is quite interesting;

    On Friday, The Guardian reported that the American Enterprise Institute — which has received more than $1.6 million from ExxonMobil — was offering to pay global warming skeptics to speak out in an effort to push back on the new IPCC climate change study. The IPCC report states that it is “very likely” that man-made greenhouse gases were the main cause of the Earth’s recent warming trend."

    you might not care but i do, and it is very rude indeed to delete questions after people have spent time and energy answering them, maybe because you dont like the answers? sour grapes?

  4. Nope.  Proof:

    "Recent oppositely directed trends in solar

    climate forcings and the global mean surface

    air temperature", Lockwood and Frolich (2007), Proc. R. Soc. A


    News article at:


  6. Got swatted with the last 2 questions and decided to start over. I see you made the same mistake.

    From the Max Plank Institute that you have reference to in the article. Sounds like the Telegraph took words out of context. Here is a better quote and link to their site below it...

    "Climate can vary for many reasons. In particular, human activities can lead to radiative forcing through changing the atmospheric concentrations and distributions of greenhouse gases and aerosols. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by more than 25% in the past century and since the beginning of the industrial revolution (see Fig. 4). There is no doubt that this increase is largely due to human activities, in particular fossil fuel combustion. Prior to this recent increase, CO2 concentrations over past 1000 years, a period when global climate was relatively stable, fluctuated only slightly around the average value."

  7. No it is cooling

  8. The sun is getting cooler I guess because our sun is in its middle age and when it reaches itas final stage a supernova will occur and maybe our sun will change into a black hole or something else. This will happen in millions of years later.

  9. Maybe.  Can we trust anything the government tells us these days?  Their science is constantly changing!  But yeah, other planets are experiencing warmer temperatures and ice cap melting, so I guess so.
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