
IS This a Picture of a ghost, that my husband took,(picture included) part 2?

by Guest63832  |  earlier

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I recently posted a question asking everyone if they could see the "face" in the following picture, alot of people didnt know what I was talking about. My husband decided a cutesy way to let me know he was on the way home, so he took a picture of the dashboard as he was backed up behind some traffic on the highway. Anywayz, I didnt get the picture until the next morning, I didntpay any attention to the dash board, my eyes went directly to the upper right hand corner of the picture, I woke my husband up to show him, Whatever this is, is in between my husband and the rear view mirror because you can see the left side of the rear view mirror, however the rest fades into the "face". I had alot of people respond they didnt understand what I was talking about, so, I went back in, and drew a tiny red circle around the "face" it has eyes, nose mouth, chin and I can even see cheek bones. Sorry I am reposting this, but I thought the circled picture might help everyone be able to see it better




  1. Absolutely not. There are numerous refractions, distortions etc. in the photo as well as it being out of focus. It's simply a very poor photo.

  2. it is probaly a person on the sidewalk and you are seeing what is called matrixing were your mind fills in what it wants to see sorry no ghost this time???

  3. Oh!

    Yes, that is just a reflection that a spirit has caused. Probably because they are upset and haven't passed through the light.

    This always happens. It is very interesting that you spotted it.

    I am a sort of ghost finder. I try and figure out what they want to pass them through the light.

  4. i c the man or female.

    it is a ghost.

    i believe in them.

    thats kinda neat how who ever it is just pop up in there.

    thats a pick i would keep.

  5. It looks like it's outside the car...not on the dash. Is the head tilted back? I can't find the eyes. I think it must be about how you see clouds. I tried to see it last time and couldn't then either. Sorry.

  6. ?????  Why is that supposed to be a ghost? It doesn't look like anything but a combination of light reflection and the view outside. I still don't see the face.

  7. I dont think you would see the face if the motion blur were removed. It looks like a reflection on the inside of the window. You would see better what it was if the photo was not blurred, and it probably wouldnt look like a face.

    Humans have a tendency to use thier imaginations to see faces in places where faces dont exist. Here is an interesting article I found on the subject.

  8. Your mind is finding patterns

  9. Mmmm nt a ghost..looks like a real person to me..very blurred image nayway

  10. sorry  cant  c  anything

  11. People not everything is paranormal. This is definitely not.

  12. Your imagination is way better than mine.

    If anything it looks like a ghostly waistcoat - or maybe some condensation on the glass.

  13. It could very well be a picture of a ghost but seeing as none of us were there while the picture was being taken we can't decide what was and wasn't there.

    But, In my opinion it looks like something could be there.

  14. It's very possibile. Ghosts do sometimes show up in photography. But by the quality of the photo and the conditions that it was taken under it is not really possible to say that that was a ghost. The best ghost pictures are clear pictures in a sequence under the same conditions. They can prove that under the same lighting conditions in the same position just seconds later the phenomena that occured was present in one and not another. This gives some way that you can validate the presence of a ghost.

    ...though to my eye I do believe you can make out a face.

    I hope this helps.


  15. I see the "face" you are referring to. It is a picture taken into glass. I'm sure it must be a light reflection from somewhere...if you were in the car you were probably not aware of everything around you---I am assuming it is a reflection, or light matrix.

  16. It just looks like a refection to me from the street lights and all....

  17. okay

    I thought the same as everyone else, not seeing it

    Till I leaned my head to the right

    I see a man's face, low hairline, long thin nose, small mouth and chin

    There is a reflection behind the image.

    I do see it.

  18. I think it's face palming your husband /)_-

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