
IS anybody working from home..i just want to know the sites which are genuine..?

by  |  earlier

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And shouldn't ask me to pay..anybody earned like that..please tell the desperately need of money..ur help will be appreciated..




  1. Its very very difficult to make a decent income while doing data entry or other work from home jobs, and you're unlikely to get the names of genuine employers in a public place like this.

    I'd recommend doing a search of the previous 'best answers' on yahoo, I got some good information that way.

  2. Hello I have been working from home for quite a while and I have found several companies that offer great opportunities.

    There are many different types of online business that you can get started in. I recomend that you do some research and find something that best suits you. Please feel free to visit my blog for more information.

  3. Well, most of the people that I know who work from home have home based businesses.  The income opportunity in a business is far greater then the income opportunity in a home job.  There's a significant difference between the two.  Your right, home jobs you should not pay to have.  Your applying to be hired and have them pay you.  Unfortunatly, with home jobs, the pay is very little.  Your income is minimum wage.  After taxes are taken out, your income then becomes below minimum wage.  Home based businesses however there are some start up costs to get you going.  You have the same income opportunity as a traditional business without all the over head expenses.  Most home based businesses cost under $500. So they're not terribly expensive.  But if your in desparate need of money, I'd start out with a minimum wage home based job.  Once you get into the postition to be able to invest into a home based business where the income is far greater, then I would look into that.

    Here's a place I know people who used to work for, it's a call center position working from home.  Like I said, it's a home job and the pay is minimum wage to start but you can apply for a position if you'd like. I don't know if they are still hiring or if all positions are filled, but you can at least check on that for yourself.  At least it can give you a way to bring you something in if you are hired.  I also am leaving you with a link to a yahoo blog that has several business opportunities for you to look into for when your ready to take the next step and be able to have a sufficient amount of income working from home.


    This is the best way to work at home. I looked for a long time and this is by far the best.  You get free online training as well as phone conference training.  I can even get you in on the training for a week free.  Then decide if it's for you.

  5. Hello,

    I am working online job from home. Visit this site. I think you may get some geunine job site.

  6. Start online outsourcing job from home & earn money.

  7. The work from home jobs that aren't scams actually require work on your part - and if you're in need of money soon then you're likely to be sorely disappointed in any of those as well. Most of the legit opportunities out there take time to build - so if someone makes an outrageous claim of income it probably isn't true ( and those that are true sure didn't make that kind of money when they first began ).


    Time & effort required - but do your own research on what is best for you, don't take the advice of myself and others as gospel from this type of forum.

    I have other ideas that may help - one of them is an online opportunity but another is one that will require a little effort to market yourself - try some data entry for local businesses, many of them don't have the time to do it in-house and will gladly pay someone else to do it. Professionals are a good place to start, lawyers, doctors, chiropractors, etc - they need their "in-house" folks doing other things rather than busy work.

    Hope it helps!

  8. There is a website that will pay you VERY good money to view websites. It takes about 10-15 minutes a day and you can earn a full time income easy! If anyone wants more information on it email me at


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