
IS beer delicious???

by  |  earlier

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wek, I one thought it's good when It was really hot and I was thisty I drank beer. It was so cold and good. but, when I drink beer in regular time. wowek. It's really bad... Is beer really delicous to you??? why do people drink it?? It's so bad... Corean alcohol and Italian wines are soo much better. and I also makes me so fat. when I drink beer, I feel like I am getting so fat. I can feel it.




  1. lol its not making you fat your just getting bloated. i only really like beer when the beer is cold and the day is hot otherwise it kinda taste like something died in it. :/

  2. it smells like the garbage cans in the bar my dad used to own.

    thus, i don't think it'd be too good.

  3. It's a nectar of the gods.  

  4. Beer HAS to be an acquired taste kinda like coffee ackkkkkkkkkk who would drink that w/o the needed motivation to get that push in the AM?!?

  5. you kiddin me ??

    beer is the best thing in the world !!

    you must try corona or carlsberg ..

  6. I for one am thankful for all the beer haters.  more beer for me.  ;o)

  7. the boss says" its the best thing in the enitre world"  

  8. sorry for offending beer aficionados, but i think it's disgusting. i too have often been told that it's an "acquired taste" - but i don't really understand why you'd want to bother acquiring it, haha. but hey, to each his own :-)

  9. I'd guess that you are just drinking crappy beer. You don't say what you were drinking that you thought was gross and not all beer tastes alike. Try something different, you may like it. As for the fat part, that's all in your head.

  10. An aquired taste i could never aquire. Yukk Just not 4 me. I like to get drunk quick, Fu** the bs. Shots, the only way to fly lol
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