
IS hamsters the safe pet to own and playful ?

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i want to buy a new hamster for the first time. what should I do




  1. I remember my mom bought me a hamster when I was little, and the hamster was really vicious.  It would always bite my hand when I tried to feed it.  They are nocturnal so when you go to sleep they will be awake.  But, if you decide a hamster, you should get two so the other one won't be too lonely.  Also decide if you want two of the same gender because if not, they might mate like crazy.  You could also consider getting a guinea pig.  I heard that guinea pigs love affection and they never bite.  Good Luck!

  2. well hamsters are a very good pet, but not a good companion. they are rather nippy and would rather sleep than be played with. they do not give you unconditional love like a dog would. they are easy to take care of, and theyre not smelly, but they dont make good friends

  3. i think a hamster is a safe pet and a very good pet!  but sometimes ur hamster can bite... but it is only cause he is scared! so good luck with ur future pet!

  4. hamsters are great beginner pets and if you like them i recommend rats and guinea pigs and hamsters are also nocturnal.

  5. i loved having hamsters they were dwarf hamsters. i think the male hamsters are way nicer than female they dont bite as much

  6. Hamsters are a great first pet. I've had several. But remember they are nocturnal and some don't take kindly to being woken during the day.

  7. well yeah but if u want pears get dwarf they will probley be more playful but if u want just one then get really fun stuff mine plays for as long as u pit it in the little oen thing i gave to him he LOVES it so much maybe u should have tubes little houses and some stuff it could chew on like maybe tolit paper rolles my hamster likes to chew on them.

  8. they are safe but sadly...can only play for about 30 mins. a day because of they're tiny wittle bodies

  9. What do you mean by safe? They can bite. How much they bite varies from hamster. Dwarfs are more likely to bite than Syrians. They can be playful, they are active at night though. If I take my hamster, Oreo, out of her cage after she's been sleeping, she usually likes to sleep in my lap for a few minutes before playing. My other one, Patches, loves to run and is awake as soon as you hold him.

    If you are going out to get a hamster, do not go to Petco or Petsmart. Their hamsters are shipped in and are more likely to get wet-tail because they were taken from their moms too soon. Try to find different pet store in your area or get them directly from a private breeder.

    Before you get one you should choose which type of hamster is right for you. Dwarfs are small and are faster than Syrians, while Syrian's are bigger and aren't as appealing as dwarfs. Dwarfs also are more likely to bite than Syrians.

    Do more research on your own or e-mail me if you want more information about hamsters.

    Hope this helped!

  10. Hamsters ARE not really very playful they are nocturnal that means they sleep all day and play all nightthey are only a lot of fun if you get one of those habitats with all the tubes and watch them run around in them if you are a night person they they can be fun to hold and put into exerexerciselsbut if you mishandle then they can get mean and bite  

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