
IS it hard to learn to play the guitar?

by Guest10841  |  earlier

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IS it hard to learn to play the guitar?




  1. No.  Look how many idiots and a******s do it.  :)

    It's a minimal effort to get good enough to play some basic songs.  It's a lifetime effort to master the instrument.  I don't know of any experienced guitarist who would claim to have mastered the instrument.

  2. not really ☺ it's pretty easy  .....except learning all those notes and scales ....*sigh* and the different positions to play in on the frets   .....It's awesome when you know how to play it and show off to your friends !!! XD

  3. it's different for everyone. I tried learning the guitar and could not figure out so I finally stopped trying to learn after about 6 months but my brother started guitar and less than a month later was playing songs

  4. At the very beginning it's hard, but it'll get easier over a month or so. A good teacher will help you out A LOT. Books and the internet will only get you so far. I suggest taking lessons, but use books and the internet as a reference to enhance what you already learn at lessons.

  5. no, once you get used to the keys its really easy. the more you practice the easier it gets.

  6. its hard but its worth it

  7. ok you have to listen to me here.  it's only hard if you make it that way.  if you're impacient then you WILL have a hard time learning. i'm right handed, so my left hand is  my fret hand and it takes anywhere from a few weeks to a couple months to just for your muscles to get used to it.  if you listen to a song with a famous guitarist, like steve vai, eddie van halen, slash or any1 else, you know that it takes years to get that good.  but it really only takes a year for you to get good.

    so, is it hard to learn the guitar? in some aspects, yes.  but if you are willing to learn and you're passionate then it'll go by fast (by the way- get a teacher, they're d@mn good)

  8. 1 word : PRACTICE

    seriously, if you practice every day for at least 30 minutes to an hour it will eventually come to you


  9. If you can read music already, then I would say no, it's not hard. True what they say about strong fingers though, it helps.

    If you haven't learned to read music yet, your answer lies in your ability to pick it up and go. Some people find it hard to read music and others take to it like a fish to water.

    If you can learn to read music, you can learn any instrument.

  10. at the beginning , yes, it is, because their are so many things to learn like bending, barre chords (they gave me some trouble), tapping, reading tabs, and a bunch more. then after that, it isn't so hard.

  11. you have to be very commited. i stopped cause it hurt my fingers.

  12. No, not at all. If you have a thing for guitar, then it won't be hard. All you need to do is learn what type of guitar you want to learn, and then learn it. Be it classical, Country, Rock, Metal, or anything else. You'll need to learn how to do chords and power chords. Those aren't hard to learn. Plus, once you learn everything that you need to know, and you do your own gigs, you'll be makin some money then. So, as an answer, isn't hard at all.

  13. No not really. if  you take lessons you'll learn all sorts of tricks and excersrices. It takes practice, but you'll get it. Buy an Ibanez they are good.

  14. yesss you have to learn all sorts of things, but once you know it, it will be as simple as ever for you!!!!

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