
IS it ok to Run when you have Herniated Disc?

by  |  earlier

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What should i do?

I have Herniated DIsc and kept worrying about the Herniated Disc which will worsten the condition after Running




  1. Well the whole point of your disk is to provide shock absorption. The shock your body endures through running isn't exactly light. A herniated disc is caused by small tears to the fibrocartilage in your intervertebral disks. I can't see how running would be ok. Taking all of this into consideration  I would say take up a lower impact sport like running or biking.

  2. maybe you should talk to your doctor, I am sure he will give you a better answer than you can get from here, since we are just guessing about your condition.

  3. I can't imagine the pain if running.  I had the same thing years ago, and just walking caused severe pain.

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