
IS it rude to passionately kiss the corpse at a Funeral?

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What if you were very close?...last time you will ever see them...




  1. This is strange

    But i wouldn't have said its Rude.

    Im sure people would accept it.  

  2. if you#re plannning it yes it is... losing the person must be hard but i think you're better off remembering your live kisses...

    and if you never got to kiss the person passionately while alive maybe you should respect their wish...

    i would avoid

  3. Not if you are into that stuff. But, go any further and you will go to jail.

  4. I was pretty grossed out by your question but am more disgusted by all the people who thought it was ok!

  5. kissing a loved one in  the funeral is ok,,it is your mean of saying goodbye forever but what do you mean passionately? in torrid kiss..that is ethical;ly and morally wrong is like disrespecting the dead even if you know that person,,,

  6. Passionately=scary and disgusting, a light kiss on the cheek should suffice

  7. yes bad taste and a little disgusting

    he is gone and the body that held him should be respected

    would you want someone to kiss your dead lips

    which by the way have been sewn shut and have makeup and you will make the face look bad when you are done

  8. If passionately means tongue, then, yuck. A little weird/gross/disgusting... but not rude. Unless you were the mistress and the wife is there. Then it is beyond rude.

  9. That's just sick.

    I think all funerals should be closed caskets.

    Who really wants the last image of your loved one to be a stiff with a bunch of makeup??

  10. I guess it is okay if it is done with sincere emotion.

    Who am I to judge whether it is right / wrong / gross / rude if it is okay for that person to kiss a corpse ?

  11. I would not say rude.....I would not do it though, it's not really that "person" anymore, just their body, and thats kinda creepy, to me, sorry.

  12. A kiss on the forehead would be fine, but that's just gross.

  13. hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahaha omg.

  14. That might just be the most inappropriate thing I've ever heard.

    Hold their hand or something, you don't need to kiss them.

  15. Yes it can be rude. If you want to do this you should arrive early  or wait till most family members have shown their respect & gone.

  16. Passion belongs in the bedroom, NOT in a funeral parlor.

    How tacky!

  17. Thats not only rude but also sick and disgusting. Why would you kiss a dead person passionately? Are you trying to get a response from them?  

  18. It is only considered rude if you're at a funeral you weren't invited to.

    Last weekend I committed that apparent faux pas. The widower was very unhappy with me.

  19. A bit tacky, not necessarily rude.

  20. What would you do that for? Think you're going to get a rise out of them? Or are you a pervert?

    You'll have trouble slipping them some tonque--the mouth is usually sewn/wired shut.

  21. sicko

  22. Not at all. :)

    Though, it might taste gross...

    It'll be the coldest kiss you'll ever have in your whole life.

  23. Okay, as long as your hands stay by your side.

  24. Not so much rude, as it would be a concern to other people. Yes, it may be the last time you see them. But kissing them may concern people that you are mentally ill. And I don't mean mentally ill, as in crazy killing people, just as in you are not behaving normally. I would say a hug wouldn't be rude or just a peck on the cheek. But some people may be offended if you passionately kiss the dead person.

  25. NO Ive seen many people kiss them on the forehead or touch their hands, as long as your not making out with them, or you get turned on, that might be gross.

  26. I don't think it is so bad.  When my wife died I kissed her on the cheek before they closed the casket.  Everyone else had gone.  

  27. I don't think it would be rude as such.  A passionate one would be more acceptable from the boyfriend or husband though.  If you've already done it...too late, but if you're planning to do it then please reconsider, you will upset a lot of people if you do it and they see you.  Just give her a little peck and think nice thoughts so if she is still there in spirit she can see your love and grief.

  28. it is a bit wierd, hopefully you ll not have a make out session. A good kiss on the forehead is pretty apropriate

  29. I don't know. But if the lips are glued shut then you won't be able to use any tongue.

    The mouth is the first thing that decays cause it's so dirty so it may be gross...  

  30. you do whatever will give you closure.  if you were that close, everyone else will know the situation.  sorry to hear of your loss.

  31. I do it all the time.  I like funeral homes.  

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