
IS it true that the song BLACK by pearl jam is about an abortion?

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her legs were laid spread out before me as her body once did

Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay (unborn child)

I'm surrounded by some kids at play

I can feel their laughter, so why do I sear

And now my bitter hands CRADLE broken glass




  1. No, Black is not about's about the end of a relationship...there's another PJ' s song of that period that is probably about the same's called Alone.

    Reading the last lines of Black:

    I know someday you'll have a beatiful life

    I know you'll be a star

    In somebody else's sky

    But why...why...why...can't it be mine?

  2. doubt it. as cheesy as the song is, all the references you provide for abortion are kind of ambiguous- the fact that he hears kids at play does not mean that his girlfriend had an abortion, and untouched sheets of clay can refer to something- anything- that is formless. and the cradle part makes no reference to a baby's cradle- keep in mind that there are different definitions of cradle. interpret it how you will, but im pretty sure eddie didn't write it about abortion- i would say its more along the lines of lost being lost.

  3. No, it's about the sexual abuse he recieved from his mother.

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