
IS it wrong to expose myself on the internet??

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I am a married mum of 2. I work afternoons and my hubby works all day. Once the kids have gone to daycare for the morning I like to get onto a chat and ya know do stuff....I like letting ppl watch while I do stuff to myself - I often have their web cam up and watch exactly what they do themselves as well. I don't really get off on it - it's just something I like doing. Is this wrong / sick? Should I stop? My husband doesn't know about this..........




  1. id be mad if i knew the person i was with was doing that.. who knows what else theyve done or if theyve evr actually met the ppl. but then again. evryone has their own thing noone knows about. jus so long as noone gets hurt! =]

  2. What website are you on?

  3. i think adults like to do lots of stuff

    you are obviously giving consent, so that's your choice...buuuut

    food for thought:

    * i'd let your hubby in on your doings, i think by hiding it makes it seem more like an 'affair' or secret. these things can break up a marriage

    * make sure you are using a site that other children can't (or shouldn't) be accessing

    * do you know enough about computers that these people can't track you? or hack into your computer and make your life difficult?

    * humans a sexual creatures, if this is what you like, then that's ok. but you just need to take ownership for your actions and make sure everyone is safe and protected

  4. i would be mad if i was your husband it just isn't right

  5. you should probably get a hobby or something

  6. one thing leads to another, be very careful.

  7. ....... Woah a british women getting it on infront of a webcam.... awesome. I don't know maybe you should stop.

    Oops Aussie!

  8. yes

  9. you are a mother and a wife not a stripper

  10. Don't do it unless your hubby is okay with it.

  11. Nothing wrong with that. All good clean and safe fun......just as long as hubby doesnt find out.

  12. It's a fetish you have, but it's harmless unless you keep your camera and theirs apart, I can see no harm in it.

  13. what would you think he would do if he found out? why don't we switch it up and see how you would think if he was exposing himself.

  14. no its not wrong , i know lots of people who do that and they are some nice people , maybe i have seen you before  :)

  15. I think it's high time you should get a hobby or learn something or work part time. I think it's sick! Sorry.

  16. that is SICK!


    would you be happy if ur husband did that?!

    how would you explain that to your children?!

  17. Wrong, sick and stop now. You're just a little too horny. Have your hubby help you out with this.


  19. Thats really wrong. Married people nowadays make a mockery out of the institute of marriage. I consider this if you were a single woman with no kids it would be different. It's time to give up childish behavior and you do know that this is teenaged type of activity don't you...

  20. If your husband doesn't know about it, then I think you already know the answer to your question, and you just want objective oppinions to help you feel better, and change your mind.

  21. Honestly, I think it is! As a man I wouldn't want my wife to be seen by anyone.. women expect the same as well. It could develop into something worse

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