
IS marriage unnecessary?

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With all the divorces, the cheating, the fighting....why bother getting married? Is it for the kids? Is it for companionship? What happens when the s*x isn't as exciting? What about when each person starts new interests and they grow apart?

My inlaws, just celebrated 50 years, but they bicker all the time. They watch TV in separate rooms, argue about anything and pursue separate interests (which is good to do, I think.) What do you think?




  1. I never cheat him,I had no past when I married.We rarely fight.but  it is easier to be not married

  2. I think it's pretty unnecessary though there can be some cases where it can make things more easy from a legal perspective. But there's no reason for people to do it, unless they really want to.


  3. it's totally unnecessary if you're married to the wrong person.  i've been married to my husband for 5 years and it's wonderful.  my first marriage, not so much.  but seriously, neither were 'necessary'.  just a choice i made.

  4. God mad a Man first and then God knew that he couldn't live alone. He made a woman for him. and Women cannot live with out men.. (both are made for each other). but in order that this world should move right. God made some rules and regulations. people who follow these rules live a very satisfying life and have never bad feelings.

    The Only thing i would say that its not just (s*x) but its soulmating. when two partners are moving apart. It means that they are doing many mistakes between them.

    e.g. if a man marries a woman who is living a very happy life. should provide her (at least) the same level of life she was living before marriage. its not that if her parents loved her alot and now she is married to you and you dont provide her love.

    Woman needs love from a man and man need the same from a woman. so if both of them provide love to each other. i dont think any problem can appear between them.

    about s*x.. it should be delaying.... this is the key to a better s*x... any one can do it ...

  5. you got the point. for me, the binding of the two person is not about marriage. it's about the two feelings for each other, understanding, commitment to life and live happily ever after...

  6. Of course marriage is unnecessary. It's a choice that some couples make because that was the traditional way in our culture that they could publicly declare their love or that they were 'off the market'. Hollywood hasn't helped much by romanticising everything by implying that marriage is what people who love each other do to achieve the 'happily ever after'.

    All committed relationships take work and effort to keep them going. It's only a lucky few that survive the test of time pleasurably without having to make an effort. Marriage is just an expensive way to say that you're willing to make that effort.

    Whether you're for it or against it, marriage is not necessary.

  7. Marriage is simply a commitment to each other.  As the vows state, in good times as well as bad.  Marriage offers stability with two commited people and the chance to feel comfortable with each other to settle down and live a life together.

    People who are not married can do this as well, but if something bad happens they can simply walk away.  Married people on the other hand have commited themselves to work out problems and stay together.

  8. Marriage is life long obligation and it's a  social institution that is based on sharing a unique life for reproduction. Marriage is for  reproduction, pleasure and companionship. Its mutual trust, respect and love,where this union demands loyalty and fidelity.

  9. No we can't call it an unnecessary affair. It do has some meaning but growing egos have demolished it. It is difficult to express the benefits in words. Experience can only be way of explanation. Though you are saying what is use of 50 years of marriage if we watch TV in separate rooms but try to ask them what if they may be alone throughout their life? To live alone is different and to live in company though with faces in different directions is different experience.

  10. Yes. Unless you plan for children.

    The only concern I have is the financial security of knowing you are your partner's next of kin.

    Also, I an accident situation, who is the next of kin. What if your partner dies? Would the other be thrown out of the dead partner's house.

    It can be complicated.

  11. It's a symbol of your love for that person. Who cares if you hear them bickering??? They love each other and that's what really matters. Divorces and cheating are for the weak who just give up on their love...fighting is going to happen to everyone and it's what makes the relationship better in most cases. Marriage is just a way to show your love to that one person and let the world know that you're taken.

  12. No , I have been living , happily with my man for over 16 years.

    We have both been married before and can't see the point now.

  13. no

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