
IS my CST scores really bad ??!?!?

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english 345

math 393

biology 367

i took the test when i was a freshman in highshool

i will try to bring my english score up




  1. I heard from my school that CST doesn't really affect you when you apply for a college. CSTs are pretty much for the school. They want to see where you're at, & at which level. At first I felt like it mattered a lot, but turns out... Its the SATs that really matter along with the classes you take at school. APs help. so make sure to take a lot of AP classes. Also, make sure you're passing too. Cause if you take a lot of AP classes & not passing that class... it'll only be worst. So don't feel so down if you think your CST scores are bad. Look at the bright side. & Focus on your classes. (:

  2. Well english is below the 350 standard, and you will mostlikely have to take intervention. (at least thats the way it is in california.) Math is fine but bio could be improved.

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