
IS my friend trying to make me fat?

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I know this might sound weird but i think my friend is trying to make me fat! I have battled with my weight in the past and i have lost a little bit, everyone says i could be a model, every time i see her she brings liek crisps, choclate etc all the time she said she would buy me something so i said, some nail varnish and she said how about a mcflurry!! what you think?




  1. i know that i alwasy have candy on me and if i have a craving for something and someone is with me i always invite them. that may be it

  2. he or she i dont care is probably jealous nothing to worry about just keep them off of it before they become the new jenny craig, that fat *****

  3. If she's bigger than you she may be jealous. Or she could not realize shes doing it. It's only thing if shes just making you eat and shes not eating with you. Or maybe shes testing your will power. IDK

  4. Sounds like jealousy to me. She doesn't want you to change because she's jealous. With you being thinner, it takes the attention off of her, back to you! Don't cave in!

  5. i think if ur friend is offering u something unhealthy to eat just say no thanks I'm not hungry, or just tell her that u want to loose some weight, or just have a bit ( but most time if u just have a bit you end up just having more than u want to eat)

  6. Jealousy... big time!  You would think that a friend would want to support you, but some of the times they are wolves in sheep's clothing.  Keep up the good work, your "friend" will resent you even more.  Sweet revenge.

  7. That is not a very good friend. She is trying to get you fatter b/c all the attention is to you and to her. If that's the kind of friend you have then i suggest to get new ones... a good friend would be one that tells you you look great and if they see you eating something you shouldn't they would make you stop. Not make you eat more things.

  8. Well, if you're really thin, she might just be concerned about you.  If people say you could be a model, you sound like your at an ideal weight, if not below it.  Why are you still dieting?  She may just be trying to tempt you to eat because she cares about you and worries that you aren't eating enough.  Seriously, eating disorders are no fun.  

  9. Shes jealous. She probably used to compare herself to you, because she was always the thinner one. Now that your thin, she has nothing to compare herself to. Shes probably insecure and jealous.

  10. Friends often try to sabotage one anothers progress. Females are especially ruthless, but guys do it too.

  11. First, confront then problem, if she denies it then you should get a little rude.

    Ask her why she's always offering you these sorts of foods. Maybe say I'd like a fruit salad instead. Suggest healthy foods.

    But if she doesn't respond to this either.

    Tell her to have a McFulrry and you'll get your nail varnish.

    If she is going to try and make you fat, then you can do the same to her and see how she likes it.

    When she brings it up to you, say "I'm just doing what you did to me."

  12. you don't have to eat it.  Maybe that is what ur friend likes?  U can just say "no thank you i would rather have a saled instead"  well I hope that I helped.  TTYL!!!

  13. Its sounds like she is just being nice. You seem paranoid but you also seem like you have a reason. Just keep on refusing the treats and try to concentrate on what is really happening.

  14. Have you ever heard this.........Dear Lord if you can't make me skinny please make my friends fat? Well it looks like that is what is happening here jealousy is a big issue here next time say no thank you I think I will pass this time but thank you though...and she will get  the hint...good luck

  15. That cow is trying to make you fat, she's jealous of you, and you shouldn't call this first class b**** your friend!

  16. To me, it seems as though she is just trying to be nice and treat you...Although, if she is over weight and insecure then perhaps your theory just might be correct. Try talking to her. If she seems reluctant and annoyed when you bring it up to her, then yes, she is most likely trying to make you fat. However, if she is calm and seems genuinely concerned that you'd view her in such a manner then I'd personally say that she is just trying to win you over, or be nice.

  17. i'd agree and have the mcflurry as i used to be in your situation & used to eat 'like a horse' & never gain no weight lol

  18. she's diffently jealous of the new you , stick to your good eating plan

    and keep your figure its more important to be healthy than fat and eating mc flurrys

  19. shes jealous, ****** *****.

    i hav same wit my friend she always pushes food in my mouth jus cuz im naturally skinny n she isnt.

    dnt take her food and instead do same thing to her. buy her megaportions.

  20. Peer pressure insn't just with drugs anymore!!  Yes, she may be trying to push food on you but I really don't think it is out of meaness.  Maybe she can get away with eating all of the time even though people like you and I cannot.  I think it may be a  more sub-conscious thing for her though.  Tell her how it has been making you feel without pointing a finger...just to express your feelings.  A true friend will be more than understanding and happy to support you in your continuing inner-battle to fight off the food temptations that you face on your own.  If when you approach her you get a vibe that suggests otherwise, just know that if you continue to spend time with her, your struggle may continue and you either need to be stronger, mentally on your own, or to cut her lose.  Good Luck....Remember, nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels!!  

  21. Yes most defintley, she doesn't want you be skinner than her or looking better than her so she probably is trying to feed you junk, don't eat it!

  22. I agree with Kitty,

    the title of the question is funny,  unless she has a gun to your head, no she's not tryin to make u fat nor can she get you fat,  i think  just my opinon that only you can do that.

  23. It depends if you have lost considerable, if not dangerous amounts, it may be out of concern for your health that she is doing this.

    However, if that is not the case it may be that she just enjoys sweets and other things and as a friend she might want you to join her.

  24. its possible. girls do this all the time. shes just jealous of your looks and so shes trying to make you look worse so she will work better. just ignore her pity attempts.

  25. hahaha shes jealous, i'm a diabetic.. pretty in shape cuz i eat well.. and my friend use to do that ALL THE TIME... haha it ticked me off;...

  26. i think she's jealous because you have a slender figure!!

    she probably is offering you food all the time so you'd gain weight and look more like her! she's definitely envying your figure.

    ignore what she's doing and carry on normally

  27. she might be jelous. i guess she feels like your much prettier and confident then her and if you lose more weight then she thinks you'll be unstoppable and won't want to be her friend. Talk to her about it and be a little flattered too!

  28. yep. she is. she may be jealous that you're getting skinnier than her!

    really. ):;...

  29. Oh god, not at all. She probably just loves thouse foods and wants you to feel comfertable with junk food since you struggle with your weight or dieting. If she likes thouse foods too then theres no problems.

  30. I think she's just uncomfortable with you being so thin, my friends are the same way, I'm thinner than the rest of them and they always try to make me a stuff that's fattening or just i think your friend is just uncomfortable and maybe you should talk ot her, work things out you know?

  31. She may be doing it unintentionally perhaps she knows that you enjoy sweets and is just trying to be nice. Have you let her know that you are trying to lose weight?  I would casually tell her you are trying to lose a few inches and it would be great if she would help you in your attempt.  If she continues to push the sweets on you then I would say she is trying to make you gain weight.  When she does push the sweet's on you just say politely that you are still trying to lose weight and eating that will not help so please help me in my goal and be the supportive friend you are.

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