
IS one week of dishes good enough for punishment of a teen?

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We gave our daughter 2 days to clean her dog kennel, she "forgot" is one week of dishes good for punishment?




  1. i guess its a pretty good punishment  

    but  if it waz one of her fist punisment  

    give her a tiny brake

    mabey  shell have to clean the dog kennel next time or something

  2. Umm dishes is something normal teens do normally, it's called chores. So that punishment isn't really a punishment.

  3. Yes maam, a week of dishes ir torcher for a teen, I remember when I used to get punished with dishwashing and that was ten years ago, its awful, I wouldnt be aloud to wear gloves

  4. That shouldn't even be a punishment. It is just a chore. Punishment would include no friends, or phone, or computer, ect. Dishes should just be a requirement.  

  5. Teens should already be doing dishes on a regular basis and know how to cook, do their own laundry, and sew on a button, and balance a checkbook.  Our job is to teach them how to live on their own before they go and try it and blow it.  No one else will do it for free and the cost may be too dear.  Punish the teen by taking away something they really like in order for it to be effective, or you will be looked at like a pushover.  By your teen.

  6. no not really maybe 3 or 4 weeks or just cleaning the whole house, all Saturday sun up to sun down

  7. i would make her do more.. i am 13 almost 14 and my parents did that to me.. and i laughed about it..

    take her phone for a week or 2.. thats what they do to me and i freak out and dont know what to do with my life!! lol

  8. i think that is fine, although washing dishes isn't really a punishment. I don't think the crime is that bad either.

  9. punishment is relative i guess, for me and my sister dishes used to be a regular chore, but it seems fair for the crime, if u want  more serious try blocking the internet on her comp for a week or cell phone

  10. Haha no.. Take her cell away or something that she really cares about.. I'm a teen and doing dishes is nothing.

  11. she should be helping with dishes any how.

    I would ground her from her friends for the amount of time she made the dog lye in filth  

  12. lol no

  13. I started to do dishes as soon as I could reach the sink. And besides, it was fun. You should give her a punishment she dislikes the most.

  14. When I was a teen, I had to do dishes everyday.  It's a chore, not a punishment.

  15. Depends on how old she is.

    Until I moved out, dinner dishes was my CHORE, not a punishment. So I'd have to say no.

  16. and ground her for  1 week  

  17. I would say so. Was the dog harmed because of this, or was it just showing her lack in responsibility?

    I think that would be a good starting point. however, if her 'forgetfulness' continues, i would consider other methods. there's always taking privileges away. that always worked for me.

  18. she should be doing the dishes anyway.

    oh, and to the girl above me, that is how its supposed to be, he he

  19. I think that, that is more then enough. Just try to keep in mind: The things you use as punishments for your children they wont want to do as adults. I'm 23 Now and my mom use to use dishes as a punishment and now I hate doing the dishes. I despise doing the dishes. I do them but some people don't have the kind of will I have.

    What I am trying to say is don't make your kids do things as a punishment you want them to do as adults.  

  20. it is in my house. Dishes are terrible.

  21. Not really. I kinda of enjoy washing dishes. Its fun to me washing the dishes and singing and playing with the soap when the bubbles come out you blow it.

  22. Punishment?  Who does the dishes normally?  When I was growing up, my brother and I did the dishes almost every night, it was called "chores."

  23. I suppose, if your child doesnt lift a finger to help out with what should be part of their regular chores.  

  24. Thats not punishment that's chores

  25. Nope. I had to do the dishes ALL of the time. And not cleaning the dog kennel isn't fair for the you should do something that affects her a little more...just my opinion!  

  26. I was washing dishes at seven. It was never a punishment, just something that had to be done and I was cleaning up after six people.

    She should already be doing the dishes.

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