
IS paranoia from smoking pot common?

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Sometimes I get paranoid and wanna go to sleep when I smoke, but when I smoke alone I can just relax. Is there anyone else who has experienced this too?




  1. Its all kinds of weed. You got weed that make you paranoid, weeds that make you giggle and laugh at everything, weeds that make you think, and you be thinking and thinking or tripping, weeds that mellow you out and everything is cool, weeds that have  you deaf almost - just in your own zone, somebody be talking to you and have to call your name 2-3times to get your attention. You just got to ask what kind are you selling. Its not like there has been a case study and each weed has a label on it- according to the type of high. For example , trippin weed, giggling weed, mellow/cool weed, your own zone weed, paranoia weed, deaf weed.. All which get you high. Of course paranoia weed would be the cheapest in abundance for the money.

  2. Yes it is and I'd take a guess that you may be older. What you are experiencing is anxiety caused from the rapid drop in your blood sugar levels. That's why stoners get the munchies. Your adrenal system is getting trashed. You need to eat better and if you have not stopped doing "blow" you really need to. Leave the pot alone because it won't get better but worse and start hanging out with the Q+A group that talks about good diet. The problems with our western diet is that there is too much sugar, too much white flour, too much chemicals and processing and it takes a toll on our bodies. When young we drink and smoke everything, party and our bodies take a beating. You are a prime candidate for low blood sugar problems and that is where the paranoid anxiety comes from; that rapid sugar drop with intoxication.

  3. it is very common to get paranoid while smoking pot, it can even cause anxiety in some cases, it just acts different with everyone , some actually use it for a way to relax and forget about stressful situations the only bad thing is when it wears off they are left in the same stressful condition.

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