
IS sir cumfrance real and is lady die because if not im sueing my blind/deaf/bipolar math teacher?

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IS sir cumfrance real and is lady die because if not im sueing my blind/deaf/bipolar math teacher?




  1. Ah, Sir Cumference, first Lord of the Ring.

    Born 3/14/1593.

  2. Ah great book. I use it every year to teach circumference, diameter, radius, etc. Yes, circumference is real and so is diameter (Lady Di of Ameter). The Dragon of Pi however is a made up number consisting of 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419...

  3. What does this have to do with special education?

  4. Do you mean circumfrence - the length of the perimeter of a circle.

    I'm not sure what you mean by lady die but there is such a person she was known as Lady Diana (usually called Lady Di) and was the Princess of Wales due to her marriage to Prince Charles and died in 1997.

    I think you may have got confused with the pronounciation of terms.

    I don't mean to be offensive but is it you or the teacher who blind, deaf and bi-polar? I'm asking because it may be that your or your teachers may have affected the learning or teaching of the material

  5. Colleges and universities-

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