
IS tHe lOcH nEsS mOnStEr ReAl?

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  1. look at these websites that have pics and tell for yourself

    hope that helped

  2. isnt that pic proof enough.and i beliv in all cryptids,no matter how stupid or rediculice

  3. no one really knows for certain...but it's fun believing in Nessie :)

  4. I'd like to think so.

  5. No...the lake is physically unable to support that size of creature, not to mention the colony it would take to perpetuate.

  6. hmmm tbh no-one entirely knows

  7. Theres no evidence of a large preastoric animal in the loch but theres always a possibility.

  8. no one knows for sure...i think if there was a loch ness monster,it would've surfaced a long time ago.

  9. LOL. No it's no real we just made it up to get Tourists to come here and spend there hard earned cash :) :) xx

  10. No. I dOn'T BeLiEvE iN iT.

  11. i'm not going to say no but i dont believe its real. =)

  12. no, they have done an entire search of the lake, and never found enything. Also that photo that claimed to be loch ness, was a fake.

  13. Loch ness monster is real, it is probably an platapus from dinosaur age.  It could live under water in deep sea caves that we can not get to.  There have been to many sightings and pictures not to believe it is real.  Some of the pictures have not been proven to be bogus.  There are some on the internet I am sure.

  14. It is possible that The Loch Ness Monster is just the giant fish that swallowed Jonah in the Bible

  15. No-one really knows. There have been many pictures and video's of the loch ness monster but they have been disproven. However if you go to and look up loch ness monster then you might find some satisfiying evidence. I know i did : D

  16. wow, evidance?  there is only those pictures people take,

  17. I DoNt kNoW! WhAt EvIdEnCe?

  18. I'd rather give you a lesson in keyboarding.......

  19. Loch Ness has been isolated from the sea for thousands of years. Any 'monster' species will therefore be restrcted to the food supply in the Loch, and to others of their species in the Loch as mates.

    A fast-breeding species of carnivore would have exhausted their food supply and died out long ago.

    Even a slow-breeding species, with only a few individuals in each generation, would be so severly interbred by now that they would be unlikely to survive the resulting genetic defects.

  20. I hope and pray its not.

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