
IS the EU organised by the people for the benefit of the people?

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I recently answered this Question from joe b

What do you think about the U.K. govt. spying on emails and phone calls?

Hey we had socialists and capitalists. This bunch of tossers doesn't know where they stand.

If we're not careful we'll end up with a National Socialist liberalism powered by a Maoist spirit of free enterprise.

He voted my answer as the best, but accused me of being paranoid about the EU. I found this annoying and without foundation. What is true is that I am yet to be convinced that the EU is organised in the interests of the EU citizens. Perhaps there is someone out there can convince me that the EU is benefiting anyone but the Commissioners and their civil servants.




  1. They EU is organized by the globalists for the benefit of the globalists!

    All hail the dictator of the world!

  2. The EU was formed for the benefit of trade, unfortunately it has now turned into an organisation for the elite few to feather their nests, and d**n the consequences to it's citizens.

  3. the EU serve no one but the politicians. it is a nest of thieves and legalised crooks. if its so much a peoples thing how come most of the country's have refused their people a referendum on the whole farce.

  4. The EU is a club for the wealthy failed MPs and criminals to legally rip all of us of. without fear of ever being caught  

  5. one of the main reasons for the EU is to stop the countries in it from fighting each other , look at how many wars there were in europe untill the EU was established  

  6. The EU organised? That is a new one. It is a corrupt organisation established for the benefit of French Farmers

    MEP's and the EU Civil Servants. I don't think anything about "the people" comes into it. Government spying I think we all have to be as offensive and politically incorrect as possible and swamp the system

  7. The EU is organised by the elite for the elite the people pay the cost.

  8. No ,It's a free-masonic organization designed for the benefit of the globalists, just like the AU, ASEAN, and the NAU is planned to be.

    The ultimate plan will be to merge them together to form global government after the ensuing chaos and world war the NWO are trying to instigate.

    The European Central bank is located almost on the spot that Meyer Rothschild established his dynasty in Frankfurt Germany.

    The system is promoted by mandarins who believe its spin. As with Freemasonry it is only the inner circle who are privy to the truth.

  9. The EU is a criminal organisation made up of crooks and conmen who make the rules to suit themselves which are designed to make themselves ever richer off the backs of the peasants.

    Stalin must be looking up at the EU and beaming with delight.

    This will probably be my last posting, for tomorrow.. I am off to the

  10. The EU originally EEC, its the latter organisation that the British people voted to join and that is the only mandate the British Governments have been given by the people. One of the points made by those in favour of joining was if we do not join the EEC tariff barriers would make expensive if not impossible to trade with the member states of the EEC. Well that did not last long the EU is now a free trader and the people have certainly not benefited from this. Have ever wondered why the UK has little manufacturing industry you remember them they made machine tools, your laths, shapers. milling machines. circular saws, planning machines, little or none of this industry left. Remember the textile manufactures, shirts suites and socks etc, none left. Have you notice there are no shortage of these good for sale in the UK. Remember how New Labour and the trade unionist blame Maggie Thatcher. Well they lied to you. it’s the policy of the EU  and New Labour to give industry to the middle and Far East. In many cases Factories were closed and move lock stock and barrel out of the UK. The technology and expertise gathered over years given away.  Hundreds of thousands of job have lost to the far and middle east. This is leading to impoverishment in the UK and the EU.

    Many time I here that people from the EU states are coming here to work and that they are working for less. The effect is to keep wages level down a policy of the EU. You hear New Labour shouting about bringing a minimum wage at the rate things are going we will al be on minimum wage. But that’s part of the EU hidden agenda, they say that they are trying to improve the lot of the third world. I am reminded of the Abraham Lincoln remark  Ã¢Â€ÂœYou can’t strengthen the weak by weakening the strong” .It as true today as the day he made it.

    The EU commissioners have elusive rights to initiate and draft legislation. The EU parliament cannot initiate or repeal legislation! The commission can issue “regulations” without reference to anyone. Once they have gone through European Parliament they become law immediately without reference to the UK parliament.

    The commissioners themselves are not a bunch you would buy a second car from. One M. Jacques Barrot is an embezzler he was convicted of embezzling 26m Euros from the French Government. He got barred from office for two year and got an eight month suspended sentence. Not the punishment that I think fits the crime, you get more than that for dropping litter. But what do I know.

    Then we have our own our very own Neil Kinnock member of the Santer commission, they were forced to resign because of serious financial corruption. What happen next, Neil Kinnock is appointed as commissioner in charge of tackling EU fraud. Whatever he did while doing that job it made no difference corruption is still  at the same level, might even be greater.

    Then we have our own our very own Peter Madelson (grandson of that old Labour politician one time Foreign Secretary whose name escapes me for the moment) and sacked twice from the Blair Government over allegations of corruption. Now trade commissioner allowing jobs to leak from the UK. A traitor to the UK workers.

    In the continental states of the EU corruption is an accepted way of life. The electors continually vote corrupt politicians into office knowing full well that they are corrupt.

    The EU accounting system is less reliable the accounts of your average corner shopkeeper. The EU commissioners have failed find an accountant will to sign off the books as true and fair view. That last accountant the commission appointed   took one look at the books reported a mass of irregularities to the commissioner. The accountant was told to ignore them and sign the books off when she refused she was sacked and then vilified by the commission.

    It estimated between 5 and 8% of the EU budget is unaccounted for each year

    In the UK our birthright is our freedoms and our rights. Well you can say good-bye to these that are being taken away- In the EU there will be only privileges that can be withdrawn.

    This will not bother the commissioners they are above the law.They have put themselves above the law they cannot be charged with any criminal or civil offence. Nobody can examine their computers, look into their filing cabinets; they cannot be force to testify. The commissioners are totally immune from prosecution for any decision they take, things they say or write. That’s not just while they are commissioner its for life.

    If memory serves me correct there are proposals to make criticising the Commission a crime.

    .All I would say is write to your MP and demand a referendum on the issue of in or out, don’t do it tomorrow do it now. If they bow to this demand, vote out!

    I could write moiré much more but leave that for another day.

  11. No, it's all about Economics and big business. Anyone who says the EU "is" to the benefit of the "people" are bare-faced liars.

    Have I or my family benefited from the EU?

    The answer is we haven't and never will.

    The whole thing boils down to money and of course power, none of which "the people" will ever see.

  12. the fact that the Irish people (the only ones allowed a vote) rejected the Lisbon treaty but it now to be chopped up and introduced in other 'treaties' which need no publuic vote show that EU leaders are definitely not working for the people.

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