
IS the first year of university easy or hard?

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i was wondering if the things your have learned in the first year of university well be similar to the knowledge you have learned in high school(grade 12 or so)? I have looked up the course details,

eg: PHYS: dynamics, Newtons Laws, Waves and etc... are these lessons gonna be like a review. But i have heard from many people say that it is very hard in the first year, is that true? There is a 30% drop rate for U of T and 50% for U of T are people just that "eww" or just it is really hard in the first year?

thanks for ur answers :)




  1. Although it is hard the first year of college, usually its the saying "no" to your friends who are interested in partying that is the hardest.

    I knew a very smart girl who went off to college, everything paid for by dad, she dropped out the lst semester just because of this.

    My son also had to work so that didn't make things any easier, but he made it through.

    It just takes a lot of determination.  This is YOUR future, no one else's, so look out for you!

    And the best of luck in your future.

  2. I think one of the toughtest things is the transition from high school to university life. It is very different. Dont let it scare you away. Stay in there and get your education. Just hang on and keep chipping away at it.  

  3. It really does depend on your course, but generally, compared to school yes it is hard - you have to do all your own study at home without the force and nagging of your parents, get out of bed on your own for lectures, do assignments on time etc.

    A majority of the people who drop out are those that go out partying every night, love it, waste all their money - then it comes to exam time and they just end up failing because they missed all their lectures!

    If you work hard and keep up to date with deadlines, then you'll be fine!

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