
IS the gold you get real!!!?

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When you pan for gold it seems real but is it???




  1. it depends on were u pan for gold and even though u go to a place were u can pan for real gold theres always going to be fools gold so yes but sometimes no

  2. if your talking about knotts

    then yes it is.

    but it's so tiny it's worth nothing


  3. haha i know its knotts

    i guess but its just a flake of gold

    thats nothing to me

    so i spilled it in the grass :)

  4. It really depends for where you pan for gold. If you go to one serving more towards tourists, they are probably ripping you off. If you go to where most miners go most likely it would be hard to find but probably real.

  5. Most places where you pan for gold (including the tourist places Mr. Coaster) do have real gold.  Sure tourist places are there to make money so the gold won't be worth what you're paying to pan.  But on the norm it is real gold.  The best way to test a piece and see if its real without having the eye for it like myself, simply smack it with a hammer - real gold will flatten and the fool's gold or pyrite (which is half iron and half sulfer) will shatter.


    World Champ panner 4 times

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