
IS there a law concerning medical excuses and Child support in PA?

by  |  earlier

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My child support case went to a contempt hearing (for like the 9th time in the last ten years). This time however, I did not budge and went in front of a judge. My ex-husband (who always has a trick up his sleeve) had a doctors excuse that simple read :Patient is currently unable to work."

It did not give a time length or a reason.

Domestic Relations accepted this and wiped all child support away.

I appealed.

Is this an acceptable doctors excuse?

How do I fight this, if I do at all?

WE have 2 children, teenage girls and he never paid child support. There was always a reason, a way out if I may.

He doesn't see the girls, doesn't do any kind of school shopping or anything of the sorts. They are and have been living with me for the last 13 years. One is 17 and the other 14.

Isn't it only fair to everyone that he contributes somehow?

Please advise......





  1. fair and reality are sometimes different's his loss, personally, I wouldn't waste my energy fighting it or him....

    I have raised my two daughters from the ages of 5 and 2; with child support of $75 a week for all these years, .they are 19 and 22 now; I never took him back to court to get it changed because it wasn't worth my time or energy...but he just took me to court so he didn't have to contribute anything to my youngest daughter's college expenses.....I just told him whatever, I've taken care of them and provided them with everything for all these years.....what the heck...(funny he could afford a lawyer....) it's his loss, my daughters are happy healthy young adults in no thanks to him

    my sympathies for your loss hon.....

  2. I find it hard to believe that he has gotten away with this.  He has to be a genious!!! (however a lazy one)  If this were me, I would learn the laws of your state and child support.  Read about voluntary impoverishment, things like this.  What he has done is wrong.

  3. If he can't work due to a doctors reason, he should be on disability.  If he doesn't qualify for disability, I would say he can work and should pay.  Sounds like he was sneaky and tlkd a doc into writing this...deadbeat!  In all honesty, if he has never paid, I would forget about him and wipe him clean on your lives.  He obviously doesn't care like he should about those girls.  They don't need him as a role model.    He only has a few years left of obligation, wipe it clean and move on.  You'll have less stress in your life.

  4. im very shocked that they "whiped" his c/s away, never heard of that one before..

    Fact is , if he's "unable" to work for medical reasons then he will get "disability" there has to be a source of income somewhere for him to be able to survive himself.. and they are suppose to take out a percentage from his disability , or work mans comp. or unemployment checks which ever the case is to give u child support, granted ur child support will be lowered but somethings better then nothing.... are u going through child support enforcement in your state? if not, i suggest that u do.. if he owes child support they will take any and all refunds he gets from his taxes to give to u if he's actually working.. they can look up his social security number to find out if he is working and if he is, they can garnish his check..  also usually if u have to go to the state for any assistance.. usually that will light a fire under the states butt to go after ur x as well , since its his responsibilty to care for his children and not the states.. good luck

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