
IS there a misconception that Rugby players are unitelligent or is that solely applied to football players??

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IS there a misconception that Rugby players are unitelligent or is that solely applied to football players??




  1. there is a big misconseption. [unless any rugby players are playing for australia],

    heck Conrad Smith [an All Black] has a degree in Law.

  2. yes and im tired off being stereotyped

  3. that would be league players that are the unintelligent ones. All they need to know is run forward, tackle and count to five. Union players are tha ones with the smarts. If by football you mean Gridiron would say 50% of them need some smarts, only ones that dont really need brains just speed and braun are the O and D line man, out side of them the players actually have to be able to read a game.

    This should get a few responses i imagine!!!!

  4. well there is a guy on my rugby team and he's like the smartest person in ireland for his age!! And if his brother wasn't out like finding the cure for cancer hed be playing too!!:P and just at Carlos Spencer you can see by the way that guy plays that he's a pure genius!! So from where I live rugby players are consieved to be just as smart as everybody else!! And because most of the highly unintelligent people play soccer the stereotype sticks to them. Some people just let the side down!!:P

  5. There is the  misconception that rugby players are dumb, but that is mainly because the sport is not widely known, and as one of the students in my class today put it: "rugby is a bunch of guys fighting, and a ball added in the make it a 'sport'."

    So clearly the problem is just the sport in general is misunderstood. But the truth is, is that rugby actually is more of a thinking man's game than football, and is much, much more sophisticated thus making the players, (the majority at least) highly intelligent.

  6. Second Rows are misconcepted as being stupid!

    Although, I must admit, I do know a lot of stupid second rows!

    But at the same time, I know rugby players that could've got into Oxbridge, so yeah, its just a stupid misconception!

    Football players can't really call us least our rules are clear, and understandable! Not even the referees are sure what their offside rule is!

  7. They don't think that we're necessarily dumb, just extremely drunk and belligerent.

  8. That is a big misconception yes, most Rugby players have to be intelligent. Only the props taking a few too many knocks to the head may get a bit dull.

  9. You have it backwards. Rugby players are looked upon as high class and intelligent.

  10. In the northern hemisphere, footballers tend to concentrate on football over studies, and with many spending much more time on a field then studying a lower level of academic intelligence is devloped. this mixed with having a usually working class accent gives rise to the unintelligent name.

    Rugby however is usually discovered at school, college or uni. With usually the better the school having better facilities and teams. thus a large number of public schools breed middle class high quality rugby players, often traing to get beeter whilst doing a degree or other qualification. Giving rise to the "rugby is a posh mans sport (northern hemisphere, i couldnt tell u the conception of rugby in the SH, as its much more mainstreemed)

    So rugby smart usually considered Middle class

    Footballers seen as less academically intelligent & working class

  11. Rugby is a game that requires CONSTANT quick thought and action. If the game is played well, it is played with the players constantly thinking plays ahead of what is actually going on and acting accordingly. There is method behind what may appear to be madness and always some grand plan of attack. I know for me, I am just as mentally tired when I walk off the pitch as I am physically tired, trying to follow in the game plan and field position and stratigies. Rugby players are certainly not unintelligent, quite the opposite, actually, with quick thought processes and second decision making. The only reason you may have this misconception, perhaps, is due to the many hits in the head one may take while playing and without wearing a helmet. This, as I earlier stated, is a MISCONCEPTION....and if a football player, or rugger is dumb, it is on that individual, not on the sport itself, and that individual is probably not the best athlete on the field :)

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