
IS this a McDonald's Bagel burnt?

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Actual unretouched picture of a bagel I received on March 7th as part of a steak, egg and bacon bagel. The first bagel I ate didn't have the steak I ordered, and tasted like a burnt tire ( I used a 2 for 1 coupon). That's when i opened up the 2nd bagel to find what is shown in my avatar.

The McDonald's Manager on March 8 did give me 2 free steak bagels, but told me that this bagel WAS NOT BURNT!!! So here it is, DO YOU THINK IT'S BURNT??????????




  1. yes

  2. The picture is kind of small but it looks burnt.  In fact it looks like a baseball glove.

  3. Looks burnt to me. I would contact the corporate office if I were you.

  4. Yes it is indeed burned. I am a manager at a mcdonalds and i would not tollerate this. You should find out who the district supervisor is and go speak with them so they may fix the root of this problem and dicipline those who gave you this horrible food. Make sure you tell them the managers response they should not argue with you and tell you its not burned, the managers job is to fix it and not have diference of opinion with you.

  5. Ridicculous!  I have had similar run ins with McDonald's regarding burnt bagels and burnt buns...>>>>it has gotten the the point that I think some of the employees burn stuff just for fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  6. that bagel is extremely burnt i mean it doesn't even look like there is food on the bagel.

  7. Looks like a leftover retoasted bagel, gross.

  8. It's wayy past burnt. It's definitely burnt!!

  9. absolutley!

  10. Yes, it looks like a shriveled up little bagel. I would have given that manager a piece of my mind.

  11. Coming from someone who eats bagels on a regular basis? That bagel is VERY burnt. I wouldn't have ate it, and I wouldn't go back to that place either for a while.

    Even if the manager thought the bagel wasn't burnt, he should be willing to want to make his customers happy and do another one.

  12. Yes very burnt, they need to adjust the toaster.

  13. Yes it is, but they always are.

  14. Yes. You should take it to court! That is disguisting.......

  15. The bagel is very burnt.

  16. In Southeast Louisiana we'd call that Blackened! h**l yeah it's burnt to a crisp and I'm sure it tasted that way too.

  17. TOASTY!!!

  18. It looks well done.  Not burnt.  Still edible.

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