
IS this a good idea or no?

by  |  earlier

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OK-.. I am 18 and work for a government contractor (supporting the military.) as an administrative assistant. I currently have my nose pierced.. and really want my lip pierced. Although there is no policy that says I can't, it may appear unprofessional.

Do you think they would find a different/petty reason to fire me to uphold the professionalism of my workplace?

I don't want to do anything to jeopardize my job.. any suggestions?




  1. If you are supporting the military, and officers are going to see you, I think you are jeopardizing your job.  What is more important?  This look or a job?

  2. I wouldn't hire someone with a lip piercing.  A nose is different as it is little and cute, but the lip is too distracting, and may off set customers, and the professional appearance of the company.  I'd say don't do it.  You have a great job, and you would do good not to jeopardize it.

  3. If they don't have a policy against it, i don't see why they would fire you.

    They would most likely ask you to remove it before they fire you.

    Perhaps ask your manager or supervisor.

  4. i wouldn't do it.  they may not fire you, but they may not promote you either.  it seems rather unprofessional in the field you work in.  if you want to do that sort of thing, might consider a job as a receptionist in a salon or spa.

  5. I wouldn't do it. Yes, it's a personal choice but people who are in the position to hire wouldn't look at that too good. In my opinion, piercings other than the 2 earlobes are not professional.

  6. Don't.

    1. Yes you will lose's just like that sorry

    2. It's one of the worse piercing you can have, eventually your bottom gum will fall and your lip will hang. It is disastrous after a couple of years.  

  7. I suspect you know it would be a bad idea but are looking for somebody to boost your ego by asking this question.  Looking at all the answers, nobody thinks it is a good idea.

    So, forget it.

    If you still insist on having more piercing, work outdoors where you will working on your own, ie gardening, so you will not be in the same room with your disapproving colleagues and boss who have no power to sack you for doing that because of the legality of it.

  8. Why do you want to put holes in your face??? Don't do already seem unprofessional to me. Goodness.  

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