
IS this appropriate for Obama who is a Christian to do?

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Obama speech stage resembles ancient Greek temple

(Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple.

The stage, similar to structures used for rock concerts, has been set up at the 50-yard-line, the midpoint of Invesco Field, the stadium where the Denver Broncos' National Football League team plays.

Some 80,000 supporters will see Obama appear from between plywood columns painted off-white, reminiscent of Washington's Capitol building or even the White House, to accept the party's nomination for president.

He will stride out to a raised platform to a podium that can be raised from beneath the floor.

The show should provide a striking image for the millions of Americans watching on television as Obama delivers a speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination.




  1. Obama needs to keep doing what he is doing. He's a wannabe rock star, not a statesman. The junior senator from Illinois should enjoy all of his celebrity now, come November he'll be back in the Senate.  

  2. Sounds like its gonna be pretty cool...

    I can't wait to see it :D

  3. Wait, what?

    Obama is a Hellenic Polytheist?!?!?

    I was going to stay home but now! WOO! OBAMA! OBAMA! OBAMA! You know, the local DNC headquarters is near my work...maybe I'll sign up to do some volunteer work!!!

    YAY! A politician with a religion focused on diversity and tolerance! A politician with a religion that honors logic and fair debate! OBAMA! OBAMA!

    Wait, what? He's Christian.... man....

  4. it makes good television, pure & simple.

  5. I would like to point out that Obama is not a christan. He does not pledge to the American Flag, he is not the best candidate and Im afraid that he will indeed get into office. Do some research on him to know that he does not Support the Bible. I know many will bash me because he has so many supporters out there it makes me want to hide under a rock. But do research on him

    He does not support our troops. He says he does but my brother who is in pararescue said we will be facing a massive slaughter if american troops pull out suddenly. He dreads the massive troop withdrawal. Hes in the deep of the mess, I believe him verses a senator whose never been in a war.

    He assumes that we should never had went after the terrorists who killed many and would have killed many more if allowed. If we hadnt went to war we would be facing even more terrorists attacks most likely.

    He wants to take away assistance for people like me who have low income jobs and need help, Im a single mom without my welfare AKA wic my baby and me would be hurting.

    He wants to raise taxes

    He was once muslim ( I have nothing against them, just that I dont quite think were ready for a muslim president)

    There are many reasons not to support him.

    And IM one who ALWAYS stays out of politics lol.

    But its americas choice. I simply hope we make a right choice because our beloved country is in a tospy tervy state.

  6. Ugh... could someone PLEASE tell me why the h**l you people care SO much if he's a Christian or not?


  7. I'm a Christian, and believe we should be as modest and humble as possible.  I don't understand why he couldn't use the convention center in Denver for this event - a lot of wasted money in my opinion.  It's one thing to claim you're a Christian, and another to bear fruit of a relationship with Christ, and in my opinion he does not.  God bless!!!

  8. With the press coverage Obama is getting, I'm beginning to wonder if HE is the Messiah.    

  9. Good lord. Find something else to do.

    By the way, I really get tired of people saying, "Is it appropriate for a Christian to do this?" Then turning around and asking, "Why did someone point to something I did and say, 'I thought you were a Christian.' Well, I am a Christian, but I'm not perfect. I'm human."

    Not that I think he's making any mistakes, but wah, wah, wah.

  10. its not appropriate for an inexperienced idiot to be this far, but what does it matter? is he now a pagan because of it, is it wrong for christians to visit ancient temples?

  11. I guess he should of gone to Sturgis and have bikers rev their Harley's like McCain, that really would of been the Christian thing to do. Give me a break. Politics plays to the same mentality the church preys upon.

    Why don't all the Christians who need a cause go after the lobbyists in Washington D.C. and actually do something useful for a change.

  12. obama isnt a christian neither is mccain,they are just giving lipservice to that and trying to deceive people.

  13. America's values are based on Greek philosophy not christianity.

  14. I don't see what is unchristian about any of that.

  15. I don't think Obama is Christian. He says he is but in his heart he is not. If he was really a Christian or a man of God he would not be ashamed of voicing his opinion on abortion or other questions that involve religion. only God knows a mans heart. But from what I see and hear he is not a Christian.

  16. Hhhmmm. I thought Obama was a Muslim.......

    But regardless of where his speech is, or what theatrics or stage props he uses, his message will still fall short.

  17. WHAT?????  OMG I thought he was Muslim!  He's actually GREEK?!

  18. Finally, the Chicago Machine figured out how to build a prop!  

    And remember, vote early and often!  

  19. He's running for president, not minister of church-of-doomsday-paranoia.

    want to live in a theocracy?

    by all means, please go to saudi arabia.

    BTW- most churches have a LOT more greek pageantry in them than Obama's plywood columns. Your religion is a rip-off of greek mystery cults, and you oppose a presidential candidate based on ARCHTECTURE?

  20. I don't believe Obama is a Christian. I think he is actually a Muslim. He is keeping quiet now, but if and when he gets elected president, he will reveal his true identity. I just hope it won't be too late for America at that time.

  21. Some 80,000 supporters will see Obama appear from between plywood columns painted off-white, reminiscent of Washington's Capitol building or even the White House, to accept the party's nomination for president.

    Looks like you didnt read that part, huh?

  22. Why on Earth isn't it? Do you want him to walk out of a church or something? How is it going to resemble it other than using columns? Surely then it also resembles Roman buildings and Shakespeare's theatre? Get a grip.

  23. It is fine.  What would that have to do with his faith?  And there are many churches that have Greek or Romanesque architecture.

  24. Well, since Christianity is just Neo-Platonism recast in Aristotelian garb, I don't see the problem.

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