
IS this bad that my dog does this????

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we live on a hill so if i throw say a basket ball up the hill eventually it will roll into the road, he stops and lets it roll into the road and does not chaise it he either waits for me to kick it back up or chaise it down the road.

he is a terrier so it took some time to teach him to stop chaising some thing with out being told but now he knows not to go in the road with out a leash, and not to chaise cars. In the yard hes off leash, only problem is he tries to eat all the bugs in the grass :)

is it bad to train you dog to do this??




  1. no why?


  2. No, this is good! You don't want your dog to get hit right? You love him, right? Well, he probably has experienced it before and is scared to go into the street. This is great, you should be proud.  

  3. He might be eating bad types of bugs like worms, which you probably know are bad, other than that I think it's normal. You dog shouldn't run out into the street to get it. It might get hit by a car, the best thing to do is play with the ball indoors.

    Hope I helped!


  4. no that is a really good trick to train your dog

    reward your dog for doing that, it can save it from being hit


    haha yeah, its better for you to have to chase it down the road, cause you know the dangers of a car and would know to get out of the way if you saw one coming

    so yeah, you gotta smart dog

  5. It is good to train them like this. As long as you keep an eye on your dog it shouldn't be a problem. But if you chaise after the ball and the dog follows and you don't make him stop, depending on the dog he might learn from you and start doing the same. I have 2 dogs and lots of experience with them. Hope this helps.

  6. how could you think that is bad?

    your dog is preventing itself from being hit by a car.

  7. no that is an awesome thing to teach your dog... i have lost too many dogs to going on the road and being run over (one didn't even go on the road, the bus ran over her, trying to chase the bus onto our yard...)

  8. well-your dog could just be being careful so he doesnt get hit my a car. i dont know about you but i would rather have my dog stop and the edge of the road, rather than running into the road, and getting hit by a car.

  9. no that is great

  10. I don't think its bad at all. Just make sure you are watching him. (My dogs eats bugs to! He will bark at them and claw them and then eat them lol)

  11. No, that's great, you definitely don't want your dog going in the road and risk getting hit by a car.

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