
IS this what I think it is?

by  |  earlier

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LIke, in the past two or three months, twice I have had this kind of panic attack, where I become unresponsive (two of my friends were with me during the second one, and said I was very unresponsive, even when they pinched me) and when I go into those sort of panic attacks, I always imagine white mice running down the walls and across the floors to bite my toes off. But I dont have a fear of mice, is the weird thing. I mean, I'm kinda scared of them, but I never used to think they'd chew my toes off. but its only happened twice. What is it?




  1. ask in health.  but I get anxiety/panic attacks, and I've never become unresponsive, even during the worst ones.  If you're unresponsive and hallucinating you may want to see someone for that, it may be a type of seizure.  (not all seizures make you twitch)

  2. I'm not sure "Astronomy" is the right place for this question.

    Sounds like you might have eaten a poisonous plant, or licked the wrong frog.

    Better check in with "Home & Garden"

  3. I dont understand why you are compelled to have astronomy people answer questions regarding your mental health.  That might be yet one more reason why you should seek professional psychiactric help.  

  4. I would give you the same answer the first poster gave you;  get yourself checked out by a competent doctor and make sure that he runs a full battery of test.  You may have a serious hidden problem developing, or it may be something environmental that can be easily treated;  but, only a competent doctor can make a call, and only after they have ruled out a number of possibilities.  


  5. Re ask your question in health, psychology.

    This is astronomy.

    List medications or drugs you may be using (be honest) to get a more accurate answer.

  6. I have never heard of such a thing.  It seems to be some type of seizure, but I haven't heard of any with hallucinations. I think you need to see a doctor.

    Focal epilepsy

    The visual hallucinations from focal epilepsy are characterized by being brief, and stereotyped. They are usually localized to one part of the visual field and last only a few seconds. Other epileptic features may present themselves between visual episodes. Consciousness is usually impaired in some way, but nevertheless insight into the hallucination is preserved. Usually this type of focal epilepsy is caused by a lesion in the posterior temporoparietal.

  7. It's not astronomy, that's for sure.


    Alright, if you have such a severe problem I suggest the following two step program:

    1 - Ignore everything on Yahoo Answers

    2 - Pick up phone and call doctor

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