
IT'S A BOY... whens too soon to shop?

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i am only 19 weeks and I know this sounds pathetic but although I am so excited about my baby boy on the way, I am afraid to shop because I don't want to jinx anything.

Now for a total guilt trip, I bought an outfit, booties and some hats today and now I am scared.

So when did all you ladies start to shop for your babies?




  1. I started buying baby socks as soon as I got the first ultrasound at 7 weeks.  When I found out it was a boy I went out and bought a bib that said 100% boy.  I also started getting some outfits and then I found out that I was getting like 2 huge black garbage bags full of clothes so I stopped buying things.  I say go out and get some goodies.  Blue and Green and Red.  Get boy toys and his first plush toy car.  Go have fun.  Baby's R Us has some super cute little tiny suits in 0-3 months that I cried over they were so cute.  Hormones and all that.  Go for it girlie you wont want to shop for the first few weeks after having your little guy.  You will be so tired the idea of walking to the bathroom will seem like climbing mt everest!

  2. i started shopping right when i found out what i was having.  It's just to exciting to wait!

  3. with our first we didn't want to know, which made everything hard on picking.  ended up a ton of last min shopping.  four kids later, the moment we knew we started.  made it alot easier to just sit and relax and enjoy the new lil one, instead of having to run off to get this and that.  

  4. It's never to early to be prepared.

  5. Congrats!  It's never too early to shop for your baby!  Once you find out the s*x, it's that much easier.  I'm 20 weeks pregnant and just started buying pink last week.  Enjoy, it's a time to be happy and celebrate not to feel guilt over buying for your baby.

  6. I bought a crib at 20 weeks after they did all the lab test and ultrasound to make the baby was okay. But, everybody keeps telling me to wait until after th baby shower. So, if u know u r having a baby shower wait til afterwards.

  7. Oh your not going to jinx anything. I started shopping the day that I found out with both my kids. Technology these days is wonderful. There is no reason not to believe what the Dr. said.. If they said boy.. IT'S BOY!

  8. My husband & I started the day we found out it was a boy.  We have a 2 year old little girl and wanted a boy to make our family complete.  We were so excited we couldn't help ourselves!

  9. I started the second I found out I was pregnant, buying things that both a girl and a boy would need.

  10. dont be silly, go shopping, thats part of the fun of being pregnant. so go shop tomorrow and enjoy every minute of it  

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