
IT Tech? Courses?

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What would I need 2 study to become a IT Tech? Its so many courses I dont know if I should pick information, or security!




  1. Neither for an IT technician job, assuming you mean you want to be building and maintaining computer systems.

    Information is more for systems analysts and database administrators, security is a niche subject which only really becomes useful when you know a lot about the general principles of computing.

    If you want a degree, a standard computer science one seems to be the best route into the industry if you don't know what part of the field you want to be in.

    However, most of the techs I know find Industry certs to be much more useful - CompTIA A+, MSCE, etc. But then most of them also say nothing beats hands-on experience.

    My own degree was in Artificial Intelligence and I've not used any of it in my professional career - from IT tech to web developer. But it sure does help to have that bit of paper.

    PS. Be careful thinking about an IT tech career - computers are becoming commodities, closed boxes which people just throw away when they stop working. PC repair shops will go the way of TV repair shops (which used to be /everywhere/ a few decades ago). Even programming is going off to India to be done cheaper.

    However, the high-level IT jobs - database administration, software engineering, project management, business analysis - are more and more in demand every year.

    Good luck!

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