
ITunes Smart Playlist Question?

by  |  earlier

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I tried before, but got no takers. Here's the short form:

We have one ext drive with all our music plugged into a G5 desktop. She has her iTunes library, I have mine.

We're creating some Smart Playlists, one of which we both have in our respective libraries (it's called DINNER). The criteria for the list is that the word "dinner" appears in the comments.

I jack in to the Music drive via the network with no problems. All the songs she marked with "dinner" updated into my Smart Playlist. But then I marked some the same way, and they don't update into her Smartlist until she actually clicks on them to Play them.

Is there any way to get them all to be updated without clicking on each? Why aren't they updating - we are entering the tag in Get Info, each in our own library, but the comment is in the MP3 file itself - what's going on?




  1. Did you check mark "live updating" in the Smart Playlist Preferences?

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