
ITunes problems...songs got longer...and album covers wont change?

by  |  earlier

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Two problems:

Some (2) of my songs, have decided that 4 mins is not enough and have made themselves about 37 and 49 mins.

Secondly; i cant change my album covers on iTunes either, i get up this little box thing in bottom left and drag a picture in, in changes in that little box, but not in the playlist, and once i press play again, it changes in the little box as well!

This is for most recent version of iTunes i presume, downloaded earlier today.




  1. delete all your songs from library and put them in again, or uninstal itunes and repeat , use windows media player or whatever to check the songs arent corrupted and that the song ARENT 30 mins long, to change the album cover right click on the song and choose get info then click on art work select picture and click delete, then drag the album artwork you want in the white space [or use add] then click ok, it should work now x*x

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