

by  |  earlier

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How does iTunes work?????? I was thinking of getting an Iphone and have already started downloading some albums i like!!!!!! Can i just put them on itunes or do i have to buy them on the itunes music stores thanks for your help!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Just insert the CD into your drive then open up iTunes. It will ask  you if you want to download it onto iTunes say yes. Then plug your iPod in and keep iTunes open and it will start to sync it, thats good. That means its taking what is in your library and putting it onto your Ipod.

  2. You have to buy the songs from the I tunes music store but they give you some free samples.

    You can download I tunes from this link:

    You need your I tunes gift card to buy the songs from I tunes.

    I would reccomend to get a $20 Gift Card.

  3. No, you can just import your music to iTunes.

    Then you just drag your music to your device tab.

  4. You can put any music you have on your computer into iTunes.  Just drag the files into it when it's open.  
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