

by Guest60440  |  earlier

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as i said..i hav 2 very annoying sisters, i am 14 years old, my sisters are 12 and 10. today, they come in my room to watch a movie with popcorn....after the film, they threw popcorn all over my bed aand left me before i go crazy




  1. beat them up

    tell your mum

    do the same thing to them

    being the annoying younger sister myself I can't really help you !

    but good luck!

  2. Tell them nicely that if they don't stop, then you'll shove there heads up each other's butts.

  3. well I am 12 and my sister is 14 and brother is 11! What you do is when they annoy you just Ignore it and they'll stop because they know it's not bothering you but after 3-5 mins they'll stop! If it doesn't work try again ANd I would leave the mess on your bed and wait til your mom or dad comes home to see the mess!

  4. Duct tape works wonders!!!

  5. each of you are old enough to know to clean up after yourselves and if they trash your room your mom should sent them in to clean their mess

  6. Help you with what?  Their family.  There not going anywhere, they are there to annoy and bother you.  You let it annoy you and that's where they have more fun.  Don't let it bother you and they'll stop doing it.

  7. kick them

  8. If you show them that it bothers you they will keep doing it so try to let it not get to you. Then they wont want to do it any more because it wont be fun trust me it worked for me i have three little sisters. hope it helps!!!

  9. Its just there age that they are going through. I am sure that you were just as annoying when they were your age.

      But if they trashed your room, then you should talk with your parents and ask you sisters to clean it up.

  10. Ignore them and pretend to not care about what they do! Don't talk to them for along time and then see if they will leave you alone!

  11. when my brothers used to bug me i would wrestle the older for fun but it gets a lot of stress out on them and the smaller one i would turn upside down only holding on to their feet and spin them around they wigout  

    i dont know if this helps but you can try if they are tattle tales then find out something embarrising about them and tell all their friends

    don't bother talking to them unless u really think they will listin which i bet they wont

  12. give em a good beating

  13. i have been there, i have three sisters, one blood and two step. the age range is a bit odd and that is what made my life interesting. i am 34, my youngest step is 23 i think. my suggestion is that you find out what you want to do that they dont want to do or you find the places that you can go that they can not, you know get out and go to a friends house for a brake from the family. it worked for me.  

  14. try to make it so they can't get into your room. =]

  15. You should talk to your parents about them . About how your growing up and you need your privacy and stuff

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