
IVF cancelled midstream, when is CD1? Those familiar with IVF, please help!

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In preparation for IVF cylcle, I was on BCP for 28 days, "full-flow" started July 20th. My cycle was canceled on CD 5, July 24th. I had given myself Lupron injections for the previous 16 days, ending on July 24th. My cycle was canceled due to a cyst that was putting off high levels of estrogen and would have soaked up all the FSH meds. I started using OPK to find any ovulation surge the day after my cancellation. Results of the OPK has been negative everyday since. Not even a faint line. My husband and I were hoping to try naturally this month until I can get on the schedule for the next IVF group which isn't until early October.

The reason I even started looking for LH surge was because the nurse said that the cyst would ovulate. Is that true?

My question: Did the Lupron delay my natural hormones kicking in until the day after the last shot, making that day CD1? Or is the cyst preventing me from ovulating this month? Will I get menses this cycle?

I am 40 years old and have never skipped a period and have a very predictable cycle. I ovulate on my own every month, usually around CD 10.




  1. Sounds a lot like my cancelled IVF cycle -- sorry yours got stopped too (sucks!)  As I understand it, the cyst is a leftover follicle that didn't rupture like it was supposed to in a previous month.  Thus, if and when it does rupture, it won't release an egg (egg would be too old).  In my case, I had a cyst and 4 follicles.  The cyst and 1 follicle grew; the other 3 follicles didn't (and hence, I didn't have enough eggs to move onto the retrieval phase).  When I got the HSG trigger, they told me I was going to have one egg (from the follicle, not the cyst).

  2. from what i've read in other cases the cyst can prevent you from ovulating, so i'd say that's the most probably to your RE about next steps especially since you ovulate on your own, you can also ask an RE online for free for an opinion try

    best of luck!!

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