
IVF question?

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Just wondering how many embryo's are usually implanted in the process? Can you elect how many you want implanted?




  1. Typically 1 or do have some say in the # but with the high rate of multiples these days most Dr's aren't transferring more then 2 anymore. If it's your only try or say you only have 3 embryos they may go ahead and do all 3. With mine they refused to do more then 2 each time.

  2. they usually put 1 or 2

    though in rare cases may put 3 depending on your past gyne history and age. i guess if one is 35 and above will put 3 to increase of conceiving.

  3. 2


  4. I depends on your age. Early 20s and they usually transfer only one. In your early 30s they will transfer two. Over 35, three and 40 and over up to four.

  5. I read (don't know if it's the same everywhere) that they try to not put more than 2 because it is safest...but I don't know if you can ask for more/less.

  6. I wish you could select how many you "implanted" but you can select how many you transfer lol!

    It really depends on a number of factors to how many embryos you transfer. You have to take into consideration your age, past success or failures, if you transfer on day 3 or day 5, and the quality of the embryos. Older women may have more transferred, if the quality is great less may be transferred, less would be transferred on day 5 verses day three, and someone who has been pregnant or had success may transfer less.

    I have done 3 IVF cycles, I am older, my embryo quality has ranged from great to poor, and I have not been pregnant. I transferred 3 great quality on day 3 for IVF #1, 2 great quality on day 5 for #2, and 4 poor and okay quality on day 3 for IVF #3.

    You can elect how many you want transferred. I have my RE make that decision. The more you put in does increase your chance of multiples, but only by a low percentage. Listen to your RE and then go with your gut.

    Good luck!
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