
IVF questions, etc.?

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Just completed our ivf transfer yesterday-we put 2 embryos back in and are definately praying this will work.. Just curious about everyone elses stories who have done ivf. Like how long did you stay off work afterwards (after the transfer), how many did you implant, what you did and did not do,did it work for you, etc.. Our pregnancy test will be in about 2 weeks!! We did a day 3 embryo transfer also..

thanks everyone!!




  1. I'm just days away from finding out if our 2nd IVF attempt worked. The first time, although everything looked great, didn't take.  We retrieved 13 eggs of which 12 they were able to ICSI. By the time our transfer day came, we had 7 left.  The embryologist recommended that we transfer 3 b/c we weren't going to be able to do another round for a while ($ issue). The quality of all were the best they could be, but for whatever reason, none of the leftovers made it to the freezing point. It was a very hard and emotionally trying time.  We had told everyone to get as many people praying for us as possible,but it was extremely hard telling everyone it didn't work. I did read a book called Nurturing Yourself Through IVF by Lynn Daley after and it really helped me feel better.  

    This time we didn't tell anyone, not even our parents.  Actually, my best friend and my boss know, and that's it. It seems like it's been less stressful not telling anyone b/c nobody  is calling to ask a million questions.  Things went smoothly this time as well.  We ended up retrieving 18 eggs! but only 9 of them fertilized. All were graded top notch again. We transfered 3 again, (now I'm wishing we would've done 4) but this time they did assisted hatching.  Only one of the leftovers made it to the freezing point (disappointing b/c this is really our last attempt for at least a couple of years, maybe ever.) But it did give me hope for the 3 inside me.  I'm trying to keep positive.  It's really hard to tell what's going on with your body during this time.  The progesterone shots make my b***s REALLY sore.  The first time that's all I felt. This time, I've had a few symptoms, but they really could all be in my head.  

    I probably gave you tmi, but I know I wanted to know everything about everyone else's cycle the first time too.  Good luck with everything.  I really hope it works for you! I will keep you in my thoughts and would love to know the outcome if you want to email me!  

    I stayed home from work for 3 days both times, and my husband wouldn't let me do anything!  I've been really mellow the last week and a half. Don't want to chance anything!

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