
IVY League Frat Parties?

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I am considering attending an Ivy League school next fall and was just wondering how the frat parties are at those schools. Do they get wild and crazy or are they more of a gathering type event?




  1. Ivy League schools do not have "frat parties". The students will typically mix some dry martinis, and then engage in political and philosophical discussion with their fellow students. Occasionally, classic literature will also be discussed. They may also engage in discussion on classical composers (Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Handel, etc) and compare notes on their own personal interpertations of their works. You should also be expected to know some Latin. Many Ivy League jokes are Latin-based and if you don't know any Latin, you'll miss a lot of great jokes.

  2. A movie called "College" is coming out at the end of Aug., watch that.

    I have never heard of a frat party where the guys sit around and read for tomorrow's class.

  3. Wild & crazy & drunk & probably high too.

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