
Ia "She Was Drunk." A Good Defense?

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If this doesnt deserve the death penalty, why have one at all?




  1. 1.  I don't believe her story for one second.

    #2.  *Drunk* or not, she should have received the death penalty. IMO

  2. I don't think ANYONE deserves the death penalty.


    She is a disgusting HOG that deserves the worst possible Death...yet we have a Bleeding Heart System (persons like MEZICH below) that ties our hands where people like her are concerned, a system that allows for "HER RIGHTS" I'm Sorry, The moment a "Person" MICROWAVES a BABY is the MOMENT THEY LOSE ALL RIGHTS as far as I am concerned! Hopefully someone will "TAKE CARE" of HER while she is in prison..the way Jeffery Dahmer was "taken care" of!

  4. i agree.

    no mother should get drunk to that extent anyway.

    what a sick b*****d. she deserves h**l.

    she doesnt dserve the chair, she needs to suffer.

    microwave her as$.

  5. I have been completely wasted in my time but I can hardly get my keys in the door never mind microwave a child so she's obviously off her head. Maybe it was drugs.

    In Britain we don't have the death penalty but if that woman went to prison here, the other inmate mothers would ensure she had a fitting punishment.

  6. Well I'm horrified and today i might go and murder some one while drunk and see what happens.

    i would be arrested and banged up for life how come she got away with it.

    even when we are drunk that poor baby i hope she never has kids again  

  7. I have been pretty drunk alot of times. More times then I want to admite. And to be 110% honest I have never thought about putting anything but food in the microwave. Let alone a child. Why was she drunk with her baby in the first place? She isn't a good parent/person. I'm not against capital punshment, but lets get this chair fired up. Its better then leaving her in jail for us to pay for, for what 20-40 years.

    She must have had an awesome layor. I think I would rather die very painfully then live with I killed my child for the rest of my life. But she maybe a wacko that isn't even upset.

  8. Oh I am so totally upset about this one!! So who cares if she was drunk - she is responsible for that child. And what a horrible way for that baby to die!! I just cannot believe they would not give her the death penalty- I cannot imagine a case where it would be more needed than this one.

  9. 'I was so drunk I cooked my baby' seems like a good reason to get the needle. Better yet, they should microwave her just like she did to that poor baby. Being drunk is not an excuse, it's admitting that you REALLY don't care, being plastered with a baby depending on you, and getting bad enough to kill it without realizing it.

    And you know, if she was really so wasted that she did that....don't you think she would show some remorse after sobering up and realizing what happened? But she didn't. Stupid woman, I hope they tell all of the other women in prison what she did. You know there's mothers in there that miss their kids......

  10. I can't understand why would a  murder ***** like that to get away with it for that little stupid excuse...She don't deserve to live..I hate her!

  11. that's a bull sh*t excuse, she should be microwaved .. see how it feels

    Drunk isn't even an excuse for cheating on your boyfriend !! what kind??

  12. Her @ss is crazy!  There is no drunk defense.  Maybe life in jail would be better...she will never be able to forget why (might make her really insane) she's there, but I think she should have gotten the chair.

  13. I am so glad you made this point,  because I often question the inconsistency of sentencing myself. It seems like sometimes the worst imaginable crimes carry similar sentences as way less malicious crimes. I don't and probably never will understand why it is the way it is, but either way this woman is horrible and deserves the strongest sentencing available, which obviously is NOT what she got so who knows...

  14. agreed! 10000%

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