
Iam 15 and have 2 kids and another is on its way wat should i do?

by  |  earlier

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Iam 15 and have 2 kids and another is on its way wat should i do?




  1. did u get pregnant at 12-13 then got at 14 and now at 15. Thats crazy. Good luck.

  2. LADY!!!! omg! this is ridiculous for your age! stop having kids or by the time ur 25 u'll be living in a card board box with 7 kids and u'll look like ur 40!

  3. erm......i think your lying are you a girl or a guy because your last question says you want a girlfriend

  4. I quite doubt if this thing is real in the21st century but if it is please we are too many people on this planet try those little things called condoms or pills, do not sleep with the entire man population of your city!

  5. Hmm, yeah okay. I'm a year older than you and still a virgin, if you have another one on the way, keep it.. Or better yet stop before you turn into Pinocchio.

  6. Start using contraception?

    If this is not a joke (as people seem to think so)

    What have you done about the other 2 kids?

    If they are okay, you have an okay life?

    and believe you can bring up another kid and have the money for everything then on you go, but if not then consider your options

  7. omg im 14 and my b.f wants me to have it wit him now wat i would do in your case is live through it , live throgh it with the knowing that your kids will have a mother that will love them no matter what they do or say just to let you know even thogh your only 15 have 2 kids and one on the way  live thrigh it and youll survive thrigh anything  good luck girl and send me an email at ok c ya

  8. I don't really believe you as you posted a question not so long ago asking for advice on how to get a girlfriend and all of a sudden you are 15 and have 2 children and one on the way.

    You can tell that school is over for summer!

  9. one i know this isn't true it abit stupied, and even ifs it real, what the bloody h**l do your parents think? a child cant raise a child!!! let alone 1, 2 or 3

  10. First thing you should do is get a new hobby. There is no way this story is true so you need to find something to occupy your time other than making up stupid stories for attention.

  11. oops is understandable......two.....thats too much....three....seriously....didnt you learn your lesson the first two times....stop having s*x and take care of ya kids! i dont believe in give the baby up to a family member or something....3 kids at 15!!!!!!! THATS TOO MUCH!!!! im 15 and my lil one is due in 9 days!!! i dont plan on having any more kids any time soon!! BIRTH CONTROL HELPS YA KNOW!!! sorry to be so mean but one can be that immature!

  12. That is beyond disgusting.You need some self-control and you should be ashamed of yourself.WHY R U HAVING KIDS THAT YOU CANNOT SUPPORT? You should think of these things BEFORE you have s*x.             yea...... and there is something called telling the should try it.

  13. Your last question was asking "HOW DO I GET A GIRL FRIEND!!"

    You are either a massive male hoocker, or just a fat lier!!!

    Which ever fact is true, what a waste of a question and well done for making yourself look like a complete prat!!


  14. after this one is born dont take the pill orally hold it between your knees i just hope they got the same dad if not SERIOUSLY sort your life out or youll be ALONE forever

  15. You asked another question about how to get a girlfriend..  I assume your a guy.  

    what should you do.. Go buy some condoms and get a good education and job,  because you will paying child support out the A**.

  16. I'd write a book on the uses of contraceptives.

  17. well you could make a fortune, a man giving birth never happens, by the way how were your previous labours?

  18. you should have because god dont like people aborting their babies. so, along as you going to school and have a job, its ok.

  19. Holy c**p!  Your a little hookie aren't you.

    How much are you chargin people? I hope its worth it.

  20. Um... I looked on your profile and one of your other questions is how do I get a girlfriend. You can't be a pregnant man and it's unlikely that you will get pregnant by accident if your a L*****n also your icon is a mans head so...... try asking a more realistic question in the future.

  21. Im assuming youre a boy following your previous questions.

    Stop knocking girls up!

    And buy condoms.

    Oh,and maybe stop lying, that may help too....


    (or is this even real?)

  23. That is just shameful, only two ankle-biters and you are already 15. Have you been unwell? Does your cousin have a low sperm count? Are all the male kin locked up for pestering? You are going to have to improve your output to avoid a regression-to-mean in the collection of local welfare-dependant statistics. I would advise trailer swapping if I thought it would help. Fifteen, eh? You better get yourself checked out because you may already be too old, although I did hear of a girl who had a baby at sixteen, Jamie-Lynn something or other. That must be that artificial indemnification that Romulus does with the hogs. Hey, those lambs are very quiet...............

  24. well stop being a troll and keep your legs closed

    oh wait i forgot you are a guy who can't get a girlfriend


  25. As if this question is real.

    What a waste of a question.

    There are people taking this question seriously and tryin 2 help you out when you've done this for pure amusement. You're wasting peoples time when there are people that actually NEED help.

  26. Well given that your other question indicates that your a boy, and you want a girlfriend, I would say your really a 12 year old little boy trying to get a rise out of people.  It's my opinion that if you were 15 and had impregnated a girl twice then another with a third child, your parents need to tie a knot into something.

  27. maybe she is saying the truth seriously a girl here was 16 n had 6 kids!she had triples 2 from her other man n another coming !i should say that if u r mature n in a place to raise 3 kids at the age of 15 then good for you i wouldnt make it with one colege comes first

  28. Well if yu want the kid, then keep it. If you don't, then why dont you go through adoption agencies?

  29. Get fixed.

    And since you asked, you should probably put the children up for adoption.  What kind of life can you provide for three children at 15 years old yourself?  You can not take care of yourself, let alone anyone else.  You are a burden on society.

    You should probably be put up for adoption, also.  Your parents must be very negligent.

  30. What do you want to do?

    Do you think you can cope with a 3rd? Will a 3rd baby fit into your lifestyle and routine well?

    Only 1 person can answer the question hun, and that is you :-)

  31. Stopping the lies would be a good start....

    IF this is true....then either give it up for adoption or have an abortion. 2 children are enough for you to don't even want to go down the road of having 3.

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