
Iam 19 and i have my first boyfriend and yet iam extremely sad and depressed?

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so iam 19 and i have my first boyfriend. I dont know how to feel he says that he really likes me i asked him why and he said that he thinks Iam really beautiful and nice. I dont know if i like him though i mean iam sick of turning down guys and always saying no that is why i never had a boyfriend, i had a bad experince four years ago i was in love with this guy i was not dating but we talked alot then on my birthday he made out with my cousin someone i was really close to.. that experience really messed me up it still hurts to talk about it i feel like crying just writing about it. ever since then I could never replace the feelings i had with that guy with any other guy, i always said no to every guy that came my way..but a couple of weeks ago i met this guy and he asked me out and as hard as it was i said yes i mean why not. and after a couple of dates he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes but i dont know if i like him.. i know it sounds wierd but i dont really know what "like" is.. i dont know iam very scared this is all new to me.. i dont know anything iam confused...and when we kiss it feels wired I dont know how kissing should feel?? I remember my first kiss was with this guy i didnt even like and I hated me first kiss it was horrible that was three years ago. this is the first time i have kissed again with my new boyfriend and i dont know if i like it. i feel so sad why cant i be normal like everyone else?? whats wrong with me i feel so depressed.. someone please help me.




  1. Honey,

    That all sounds very sad, but knowing from past experiences. It all gets better when you let go. My last boyfriend left me for another girl and I thought that I would never date again because nobody could beat how amazing he was. For that reason I turned down the nicest guy I knew. Long story short, now I learn that the sooner you let go and move on the closer you are to recovering. I've met an amazing guy now and because I've let him in I'm a lot happier. Don't worry about the "Why do you like me" question, most guys will give you a similar answer. Take it as a sincere one and give this guy a chance. Eventually you will figure out whether or not its right for you. Its all  guess and test.

    Good luck!  

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