
Iam HIV+ and very much disturbed. PLIz help?

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My CD4 count is 916 as of a week ago..Tell me what i should do so that i can be fit. Now there is headache everyday and sour taste in the mouth. I have been given bactrim and multivitamin at the hospital.




  1. please look into Islam

    it will help u very much

  2. I have been positive for 8 yrs.I started meds 9 weeks ago and they are h**l some days.My CD's are only 210.

    We just have to live clean healthy lives and take the best care of ourselves that we can

    Good luck, my friend!!

  3. The Bactrim is an antibiotic mixture that is designed to assist your body in killing bacteria that attack the lungs for instance.  Because it is an antibiotic, it also has killed the very thing you need to fight infections in general, your intestinal flora.  The sour taste in your mouth is most likely due to the lack of these bacteria assisting in digestion.  The multivitamin most likely contains a lot of garbage and loaded with chemical activators that actually damages your DNA.  Doctors know little to nothing about nutrition and consider it a minor factor in your health when asked typically.  "Eat a balanced diet and take a multivitamin" is usually their advice in regard to nutrition.

    Typically a CD4 count of about 200 is where HIV treatment is started, but some doctors will start it around 350.  Between 500 and 1,500 is the normal count.  

    The T cells is one of  the first line of defenses the body uses to fight infections and with HIV, the virus attacks those cells.  The B-Cells are what form the antibodies to diseases and infections and this takes about 7 days for the body to clone the antibodies.  As of yet, the medical industry has not found how to get rid of the HIV virus, but use drugs to deal with the peripheral infections when the CD4 count gets lower and lower due to the virus killing those T-Cells.

    ANY infection in the body depletes the body of minerals.  When this happens, each cell loses energy and instead of being used by the body to make cells healthy, the minerals are depleted dealing with the infections.  As the cells lose energy, they become susceptible to more infections and the downward spiral happens toward all kinds of diseases.  It's not enough to take nutrients to correct this problem because their are many cofactors involved in nutrient absorption and utilization.  When organs are weak, especially the eliminating organs, this puts a bigger burden on the immune system.

    Taking antibiotics destroys the friendly flora and that is 3/4 of your immune system!  This action leaves you in a position much like a person handed a sword to fight a particular enemy, with a pair of shorts on out in a snowy covered landscape.  You may temporarily ward off the enemy, but get sick from exposure.  

    If you focus on killing the enemy and forget about making your body healthy, you will pay a dear price.  Sometimes, you need to use antibiotics in dire circumstances, but if you boost your immune system, detox your body of all the heavy metals, especially amalgam fillings, bad root canal work, and focus on up regulating your minerals, you stand a much better chance of living longer and being healthier in the process.  There is no magic pill, just a lot of hard work to research the truth that you will NOT get from the medical people or the main stream media.

    Over 53% of ALL Americans are chronically ill today and our life expectancies are about 1/2 of what they should be due to the lack of understanding of how to become healthy.  In 1905, the CDC reported less than 5% of ALL Americans were chronically ill.  Does it look like we have progressed?  Not.  

    To focus on curing AIDS in your body will not do you any good, but to focus on making yourself healthy and create a positive attitude about allowing your body to do what it does best, use it's innate intelligence by giving it all that it needs will definitely help you.

    I strongly suggest you seek out a Certified Nutritional Therapist that understands QRA testing to assist you.  They can test you for nutritional deficiencies and work with you on a good diet that will make you stronger.

    good luck  

  4. oh my god i dont no what to say they prescribed some medicine for you

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