
Iam always asking my niece to do things?

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I asked my niece if she wanted to get together to go swimming today at the river. she said it would have to be after her kids get out from school. so i said ok but i also said please phone me the night before to talk about if we are going. now she hasn't my question is do i phone herr and ask again because just sitting here wondering is making me mad or should i let her phone. because if i start something at home today and don't know i might be to tired what should i do thanks




  1. Gosh, it's terrible that there are so many of these flaky people in the world. I've had my share of flakes, people who tell you they will be there and then they are not.  And yes, you do spend your time waiting around, putting things off waiting for this person to decide to pick up the phone and call to say they changed plans.  It's not a good situation to be in.  But, I have to say that honesty might be your best choice.  Call her and ask if she is going swimming and that you have other things you can be doing instead of waiting on her.  You really need to let her know that you were waiting for her.  These types of people need to be aware that others are waiting on them, and that it's not a good quality being a Flake.

  2. Give her a call and see what's going on.She should have respect enough to at least return your call and say she's not going or she is.But don't sound much like she's interested cuz' she avoiding your question.But it also sounds to me like you have to much free time on your hands.Maybe this is why hubby is getting bull.sounds like your having all the fun,while he's out their making a living.What do YOU think?

  3. It could be that she just got busy with the kids and it slipped her mind, you know how that is. I would give her a call and say that you just called to verify your swimming date and to make sure that it was still on.

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