
Iam going crazy What's wrong with me I need help

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Iam going crazy how can I stop laughing for no reason at all.. All I do is laugh or think about laughing all the time.. I can't even have a short serious conversation with someone I just want to be normal again... What can I do? Is there medication? Iam becoming hopeless please help. Thank you




  1. lol sometimes i have those days maybe ur just hyper dont have a lot of sugar :p  

  2. That happened to me last week man. I started thinking of the movie Malibus Most Wanted. In one of his ryhmes, he says, "My mom washes my clothes with blea-otch". I lost my ****. I laughed so hard the sweat soaked my shirt everytime someone said blea-otch.

    I guess that doesn't help, but I figured out that sometimes coming out of a depression abruptly will cause hideous laughter. Just spend some time alone or excercise.

  3. lol i don't think there is anything wrong with you! but if it does not stop see a Dr. as you might have a little too mush serotonin but that can be controlled. i would love to laugh all day.

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