
Iam going to Spain is it better to buy Euros here or wait and buy them in spain-where do i get the best rate?

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Best Exchange Rate ?Here/0r Spain.....




  1. buy in careful where you buy.some offer a good rate and then charge big commision.Always ask how much you will actually get for the pound net.Ask other english people where they change theirs,Do not go to banks because they give low rates and charge commision on top.Look for places where there is no charge to exchange

  2. much of a muchness, just dont get them at the will be charged loads

  3. I would say Spain. I am in Spain a lot as my parents live there. Also, for ease I usually just take cash out of an ATM, it costs a pound or so and that's it. The exchange is usually very good.

  4. I usually only take a few euros with me to cover initial expenses then convert sterling to euros when I get to Spain.I find the exchange rate better over there.

  5. spain definately

  6. depends where do u live and how powerful is ur country's currency

    cause it differs from country to country

  7. here usually. in june i got good deal with Thompsons, which was lunn poly, better the deal the more you cashed.  They are all quite competative, find out what the general rate is and go from there, but you want a no commission place as well

  8. I say buy them before you go, as the rates maybe a bit high in spain. dont forget exchange rates change everyday.

  9. I live in Gran Canaria.   The best rate I have found by far is from Thompsons travel agencies.  They do not charge commission and give a good rate of exchange.  Generally aligned to the business rate which is better than the tourist rate!!!

    If you change a thousand pounds they give a rate which is usually only 0.02 cents under the business rate.  i.e. if the exchange rate is 1.47 per pound they give 1.45!!!

  10. My vote is Spain

  11. Buy here

  12. its swings and roundabouts really, as depends when you are there, the state of the economy, and where you are.

    generally speaking you do get better deals "in resort" as the outlets try to out do each other. take some Euro with you intially to tie you over, then shop around. Normally hotels are the most expensive, they tend to charge commission, whereas booths say commission free (although they make up some of the difference by offering a lower rate).

    travelex at airports are quite good, they are in most european countries and if you pay a little bit extra when you exchange cash, they will exchange back whatever you had left at the same rate as you bought it.

  13. You will probably have better rates in Spain, and all the banks still exchange foreign currency with no problem. (If you go to France, change your money beforehand, they only have exchange services in the principal post offices, banks no longer handle it!).

    If you don't want to take too much cash, remember that you can pay practically everywhere with your Visa (or other) credit card (the only one that is not always accepted is the American Express card).

    Have a nice trip!

  14. If I were you I would withdraw once in spain instead of going thru the change board (they take a commission any way !)

  15. Had one or two problems when converting while abroad, namely that I think I was ripped off a couple of times (mainly with the commission, which I believed was free but I was charged for it, and when I asked about it I was pointed to the small print which believe it or not was in Spanish), but that is the thing about exchanging in this country, at least you speak the same language so if there are any queries you can get them answered

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