
Iam looking for a GPS device, for my 18 wheeler that will keep me out of area's that are off limit to trucks.

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Iam looking for a GPS device, for my 18 wheeler that will keep me out of area's that are off limit to trucks.




  1. I have done much research on this and found that there really aren't any on the market yet. I did find a program for the computer that is pretty expensive but I can't drive the truck and have my laptop sitting in my lap at the same time! I have a Vio that I got from Radio Shack (it is their brand) that I can use with the Atlas to plan my trips. It will should help keep my students from missing their turns on the interstate! It will also re-route automatically if I chose to take another route. I just got it, so don't know for sure how much help it will be. I will find out this week!

  2. There are none at this time. But in Rand McNally, I have always been able to find what you are looking for. If I am unsure, I call that states 800 number, which is also provided in Rand McNally. Now city ordinances, that is pot luck.

  3. Could not find anything but call and ask.

    1-800-800-1020 (U.S.)

    1-866-429-9296 (Canada) or (913) 397-8200

  4. i would suggest going to OOIDA's web site and look around

    i would think they would have the skinny on programs that are helpful to drivers/safety oriented

  5. a good idea but they don't have one yet.

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