
Iam looking for a little dog that wont destroy stuff around the house like the big dogs do.?

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But I don't know which dogs don't grow up and stay little so I could keep it in my room . I went to the store and saw a toy puddle it was so Little and cute but I don't know if they get big. Can you guys recommend me a little dog please I need some opinions




  1. Well any dog can destroy your house, big or little.  No dog should be kept in only one room.  With that said their are a ton of small breed dogs.  I am not a small dog person, in my experience they are too yippy and snippy, but if you look up on AKC site they will have the toy dog section.  Some would be Affenpinscher, Brussels Griffon, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Chihuahua, Chinese Crested, English Toy Spaniel, Havanese, Italian Greyhound, Japanese Chin, Maltese, Manchester Terrie, Miniature Pinscher, Papillon, Pekingese, Pomeranian, Poodle, Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky Terrier, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorkie.  Some terrier breeds are smaller, then you have all of the "designer" breeds, and good ol' mutts! Do plenty of research before you even think about bringing a dog into your home!

  2. Get a new teddy or a stuffed toy dog, all puppies chew. Don't get a wonderful and delightful little puppy if your parents want it to stay outside.

  3. All dogs will chew things up, especially puppies. I had a toy poodle that ruined an expensive pair of leather shoes and at least 4 watchbands. All dogs, no matter the size, will chew things up if they are bored or going through puppy stage. I still prefer poodles because they are very smart, friendly, and don't shed. But you have to take them to the groomer every 6-8 weeks or you will have big problems. I hear yorkies are pretty good dogs.  

  4. HAAHA..... My 55 lb AmStaff is VERY calm and does not chew a thing!!! Never has! My little 11 lb shih tzu chews everything in site, and even JUMPS on the table! Every "breed" needs to be trained to not do those things.  

  5. any breed of dog will destroy things..  they do it from lack of training, boredome, lack of exercize, lack of mental stimulation, and lonliness.  If you shut a dog up in your room, it will most likely become destructive.

    It doesnt matter what size the dog is..  I've seen a little dog tear up a carpet and chew a hole thru a bedroom door!

    Dont buy from a store..  those pups come from puppy mills

    Cockapoos are mutts.. they are not hypoallergenic and they do shed

    Parson or Jack russel terriers and Westies are high strung dogs that need alot of training and exercize.. they can be VERY destructive!

    You need to research and find a breed that will best fit your lifestyle.  "cute and little" are not good reasons to get a dog.  You need to be able to dedicate the time to training and exercize.. some breeds require more than others.

  6. you are totally off.

    since when do big dogs destroy stuff?

    little dogs actually do because poeple dont train them

    KEY WORD- TOY, obviosuly its disgusting and little.

    Dont be dissin on my big dog, I'll diss on your "dog"

    you're an 18 year old male and want a tiny dog? HAHA it's people like you I see walkign down the street and laugh at

  7. Yorkshire Terriers are small and very smart.

  8. First off, why would you keep a dog *soley* in your room?  Second of all, don't get one from a pet store.  If your requirements for a dog are...

    a. cute

    b. small

    c. "don't grow up"

    ... I recommend not getting one at all.

  9. Why don't you get a chihuahua? They are extremely tiny.

  10. Sounds like you're still in school and living with parents.  Dogs need way too much time and attention (especially puppies) to be left alone in your room all day.  Even little dogs can be destructive if they are bored or untrained.

  11. Most of the time a dog "destroys" things it is because they are bored and lonely. If you have had this problem in the past maybe you need to re-think on getting a dog. You can't say all big dogs destroy because that is not the case @ all. I have 2 big Pittblls and I have never had that concern. As far as keeping it in your room you have to do more than that. How about reading or researching on if getting a dog is a good idea. Good Luck


    My little Chihuahua will tear up paper if I leave it on the ground.  Your dog needs to be kept entertained while you are gone, well trained does help.  The dog needs to absolutely confident and comfortable with it's environment.  Tearing up stuff is a behavioral problem, not a breed specific, or size specific activity.

  13. A Westie!! its the perfect dog!! well the name

    Westie is just short for west highland white terrier... i have one and she is the sweetest!!Westies are born small...grow up small.. and are really playful they don't destroy any of your things and they are very friendly!!  

  14. Yorkies, Poodles, Rat Terriers (the small breed), Silky terriers, Chihauhaus

  15. a cockapoo!

    most are calm

    all are hypoallergenic & don't shed

    i've had mine for 4 years an absolutely love her!

    the bred is a spaniel/poodle mix. mine LOVES to swim & she's a good little hunting dog for my dad!

  16. Little dogs also destroy stuff. They will rip up tissues and other things if they get bored.

    They can scratch things up with their nails...

    The key is plenty of exercising and walking. If a dog gets bored they rip up the house. Or if they are not trained they will also rip up the house.

    My dogs are no larger then 7lbs. and they have ripped things up.

  17. A Parson Jack Russell Terrier

  18. I have 2 pits and they don't destroy a d**n thing. I make sure they are well taken care of and that they are entertained.  It has nothing to do with the size/breed of dog, it has everything to do with the owner.

    You do not keep a dog in a room, that's cruel. You never buy a dog from a pet store, they come from puppy mills and will most likely have serious problems.

    I would recommend either adopting a dog from a shelter or buying a dog from a reputable breeder.

    It sounds like you shouldn't have a dog, get a pet rock.  

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