
Iam planning to go to kathmandu in may2008. please tell about cabin restaurants, s*x activities, dance bars?

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where can we pick up girls in kathmandu




  1. just go and marry.... u'll get them

  2. Thamel is the right place but watch might be asking for trouble rather than fun. Also, all thise girls you can pick up in Kathmandu will usually have some form of sexually transmitted disease.

  3. Most of the restaurant do that type of business. Eventhough it is illegal. Careful when you pick up a girl. YCL may action against these type of business.

  4. If you are interested in s*x tourism, then you could go to dance restaurants/bars in Thamel area and practically most streets in Kathmandu. You could ask for some advice from the owners of those places or people who visit there.

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